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Okay, Jane hadn't really planned on doing this, so her threatening skills were a little rough. At least she thought so, but Henry certainly seemed to be taking her seriously.

"What are you doing here?"

"Who has the gun in this situation?"

"Y - You."

"Yeah, so I'm in charge."

Henry's eyes were flashing to her and then back to Jane, and she wondered if he was worried for her or seeing if she was going to save him.

"Catherine." He hissed.

He wanted her to save him, for fucks sake.

She stood wobbling slightly and walked over to Jane. At first he seemed to gain his confidence back, but when he saw her slow pace it faltered. She walked over to Jane and leaned heavily on her.

"When I gave you the gun, this wasn't what I had in mind."

"Well I lost my temper. So here we are."

She pressed a kiss to her temple and then sat down behind her.

"Are you okay Lina?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. What are we going to do?"

"Kick him out. Get your keys."

Henry fumbled for his keys and dropped them on the floor.

"Kick them over to me."

He obeyed.

"Now get out."

This is where Jane does a double take because who the fuck does this when someone's pointing a gun at them?

"No, this is my dorm."

"No, this is Lina's dorm, you are just forcing her to let you live here."

He takes a step forward and Jane pulls the trigger.

It's very loud, as a gun normally is, and she's surprised to see him on the floor. Blood is starting to seep into his pants and she realizes she hit his kneecap.

She stands suddenly and takes the gun from her. She points it again, and shoots his other kneecap, handicapping him.

"I feel like you're a hypocrite now."

"Shush you."

"We're gonna have to call the police."

"I know."


It's not as satisfying as killing him, but it's as close as she's going to get she supposes.

He's being pushed into an ambulance, with a pair of policemen with him. Once he's patched up he's going to jail, for a long time. She'll have to testify sure, but he won't be able to hurt her ever again and that's something.

She turns and walks over to where she's sitting, with a paramedic.

"Hey Lina."


She smiles at her, and Jane has no regrets about shooting him. She's the only person to ever treat her right, and to see her being abused made her so angry.

"So, what now?"

She nods her head slightly before turning to her, much to the medics distaste.

"If you want to, we can go on our first real date?"

"I would love to."

They smiled at each other for a moment before leaning in and kissing each other.

"I can't believe we get to do that in public now."

"Me neither."

"So does this mean I can call you my girlfriend?" Jane asked hopefully.

"Yeah, we're girlfriends now."


They kissed again until their grins were too wide for them to kiss anymore.


Fucking finally.

I'll Save YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora