day 2 (in public)

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It wasn't to long before a knock on the front door was heard. "It's unlocked!" Reaper said, petting his half asleep lovers skull. Goth opened the door, raven running in and dropping his dark blue backpack. He hopped onto the couch, hugging his two parents. "Mama! Papa! I missed you" he said excitingly. Geno finally woke up all the way, propping himself up with his arm. "Hey raven..where's your brother?.." Geno asked tiredly, as he rubbed his eye. "He's talking with someone outside" raven said. Goth eventually came in, a tall skeleton with a green cap coming in behind him. Geno sprung up in surprise, staring at this stranger that had just walked into his house. "gothy..who is this?" Geno asked worriedly. Goth cleared his throat, looking at his two parents. "Mom, dad. This boyfriend, palette." Goth said quitely. A small nervous chuckle being heard from the capped skeleton. Geno glared attack the skeleton, trying to get up from the couch, quickly, the god put his arms around Geno. "Don't do that angel" the grim reaper whispered next to the glitches 'ear' causing him to shiver. Goth nervously looked at his mother, trying lighten the current situation brought up an idea he had. "H-hey! How about we all go to the park! It'll be fun" goth said in a nervous yet happy voice. Reaper chuckled, looking down at Geno who was obviously upset. "That's a wonderful idea goth" reaper said, quickly groping genos ass as he started to object. Geno let out a soft and quiet gasp. "C'mon gen.. it'll be fun" he whispered as he got up the couch with the dead skeleton in his arms, setting him gently on the ground. He walked the smaller over to their wooden door where their shoes sat, Geno, the angry overprotective mother he was, glared at palette the entire time as he tied his white blood stained sneaker. Reaper carelessly slipped on his dark grey, steel-toed work boots before grabbing his car keys. "Alright, everyone to the car" the god said as he opened the door with a loud creak.

**I don't know how to fucking write car scenes so here you go**

When they arrived at the park everyone went their own ways, goth and palette getting some nicecream from the blue rabbit that ran the stand, raven running off to the playground to play with his friends, paperjam, gradient and sprinkle while Geno and reaper walked on the trail. reaper had been teasing the smaller, groping his ass and rubbing his cunt through his shorts. The god stopped in his tracks and getting on his knees to pick a flower, a dandelion, for Geno, the once yellow flower wilted immediately, it's previous bright yellow petals and light green stem now turning to a brown color. He stood back up, handing the dead flower to his lover. Geno hesitantly took it. As the glitch looked down at the flower, he felt himself being quickly pulled away into the dark woods that surrounding the park. His captor? Non other then the god of death. Within seconds Geno was pressed up against a tree, dropping the flower on the ground. "Reaper what the hell are you doing?" The glitch snapped at his lover, looking down at the blue glow that imitated from the gods shorts. "Oh fuck.." Geno whispered under his breath. "No." He said, staring his husband in his blank, voidless eyesockets, reapers cocky grin fell from hearing what his angel had to say. "No god dang way are you fucking me behind a tree in a public park." He 'yelled' quitely. The god leaned up closer to Geno, his face heating up with a deep red on his cheeks. "You want this don't you?~ you want to be humiliated.. you want me to make you scream so fucking loud people hear us..don't you?~ my sweet masochist~" reaper purred next to genos neck, leaning in and leaving light hickeys on the bone. Geno let out soft moans, pushing reaper away, but it was no use. Reaper was right, Geno wanted to be humiliated. "Reap n-no..I'm sensitive right.. there" he purred out as the god left dark marks on his collar bone. The glitch let out soft moans as the death god carefully and slowly undid his own belt and removed genos shorts. He had his female anatomy summoned. His entrance was dripping wet already. "Better keep your moans down angel~" the god whispered as he finally took out his boner, raising Genos legs up around his waist giving him easy access to genos dripping entrance, without hesitation he rammed into genos entrance. Geno let out a loud moan before slapping a hand over his mouth. Reaper pounded into his lover, admiring his shaking frame as he tried his best to hold in his moans. Reaper chuckled lustfully, repeatedly thrusting his hard cock into the smallers g-spot, the two both quickly reaching their climax. "C'mon angel..mghu.. just a bit longer, alright?~" he whispered, groaning out of pure pleasure. Geno shook his head. "I-i can't reaper..i-im gonna c-cum.." the glitch said while whimpering. "F-fuck..I can't hold back either.." the god said as he kept thrusting. Reaper let out a groan as he made one final thrust before releasing his hot cum inside of Geno, with didn't take him long to cum either. Reaper panted, a small chuckle escaping his mouth. "Wow..I can't be-leaf that we just did that.." the god said, another pun, typical reaper once again. Geno glared at his husband. "Shut up and pull out already.." Geno whined. "Nah..I wanna sit like this for a bit.." the god said, leaning his head on his lovers shoulder. The tree behind them wilting with every area the death god touched..

(Woo another chapter done, 1000+ words once again.
Total time to write this
Start : 12 : 13 am
Finish : 5 :59 am)

afterdeath (30 day challenge! (smut)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora