Part 2

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I clean off the new bruises, and disinfect the drops of blood coming from my arm. I take of my sweater, sighing when I look at my body.

I'm thin, so thin you can see ribs clearly out of my chest. The bruises and cuts all over my stomach and chest don't make it any less clear, just more painful to breathe.

I splash some cold water on my chest, hissing at the stinging pain. I try to think about today, how good it was. I'm very glad I met Tommy, and all his friends. Although, I don't know how I should act around them. What if they find out? Schlatt will actually kill me.

I take one of the bags of chips I was given, that I stashed in my bag at lunch. My stomach aches in neglectful hunger. Just the taste of such a good snack is like ecstasy, bringing me non-existent warmth.

I devour the bag in mere moments, my hunger only multiplied tenfold instead of diminished.

I wasn't given any homework, so I have no way of  distracting myself from the blaring music downstairs and the spiteful smell of alcohol.

My mind wanders through the events of the day. I think about the curiosity I felt this morning around the name Dream. The familiarity of it sends shivers from my fingertips to my spine.

I try to think about it, long and hard, but all I'm met with is confusion. It's like something is blocking my mind from figuring this shit out.

Eventually, after searching every corner of my mind, I give up. I instead think about how nice life was before Schlatt. I remember, I had a brother. I can only see flashes of him in my memories though, he was older, definitely, and I think he had dirty blonde hair. The most clear thing I can remember are his emerald green eyes. They were special.

I also remember seeing those eyes with blurry vision, sadness streaking my memory. I think he was leaving. That's the last memory I have of him, that tearful goodbye.

"Toby!" Schlatt yells. I sigh, mentally preparing myself for what comes next.

I open my door, quietly making my way downstairs, my head down. Once I make it to Schlatt, my heartbeat goes up fivefold.

"Hey Toby! How's your first day?" Schlatt says, sounding more drunk than sinister. Internally I grin. Some days, some lucky, lucky days, Schlatt gets drunk in a good way. He releases his tension, and becomes like a weird, caring parent. I've noticed it's when he drinks high end whiskey.

"It was great, Schlatt." I say, knowing he won't remember this conversation in the morning. "I made friends.

"Friends! That's so great Toby." He says, starting to slur his words.

"It was great." I say, smiling. "The older kids are nice."

He laughs. "That's great Toby!"

"Yeah." I say. Something feels a bit off, but maybe it's the break from the normal abuse.

"Toby, would you mind going out and buying me cigarettes?" He asks. Of course. He wants something.

I shouldn't be surprised, or disappointed, because at least he politely asked. I guess I... I just thought... It would just be nice to have him actually care.

"Yeah, sure." I say. He hands me ten dollars, and I stand up, leaving the unstable, drunk man behind.

I put on my worn shoes and tug down at the sleeves of my sweater. It'll be cold, and I don't have a jacket.

It's about a ten minute walk to the nearest convenience store, but a fifteen minute walk to one that lets me buy. Normally, I stop and make conversation with Teddy, the homeless guy on the corner, but the cold tells me he's gone to a warmer spot for the night.

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