Pack vs Pack part 1

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What the hell just happened? one thing we see that murderer and now he's stolen my beta as his mate and challenged us to a fight but it's fine if his pack is as weak as him its gonna be a piece of cake and when I win I will kill him to avenge Allison...... and Aiden I guess.


"Well there late," I say as I check my phone to show there almost 20 minutes late

"I'm sorry but how are they this late?!" Clara says slightly more irritated than she was 10 minutes ago

all of a sudden we hear rustling and a few heartbeats picking up and we finally know there here.

"finally can you keep your pack in check to at least be on time Macall?" I say in an ice-cold tone

the only response from that was a low growl

"can we get this started or not," Scott says sharply

"Sure but I've got a question to your pack first," I say stopping them in there tracks "before the fight would anyone want to willingly join my pack before I take it over because let's be serious my pack will win this also means that you don't have to fight" as soon as I finish my sentence I see them all gobsmacked looking at me

"You can't actually think that that's gonna work on us we've been through more than yo-"

"where do I sign up?" Lydia cuts Scott off

"what are you do you think you're doing, "Scott says trying not to growl

"Well, what does it look like? I'm joining an actual pack Scott and I don't think that this has ever been a pack not since Stiles left cause let's be quite obvious Stiles was the alpha of our pack even though he wasn't supernatural he did the research, cared for you when you were injured, made the plans and just acted like an alpha more than you have so yeah stile ill join your pack first I still wanna fight though I wanna see what this girl can do!" Lydia said excitedly

"oh, your soo on!!" Jess says competitiveness gleaming through her eyes

"Great so we have one traitor anyone else wanna betray the pack?" Scott shouts at the rest Boyd Erica Issac malia Kira and Liam all bare their necks in submission.

"Yeah ill go to," Danny says walking over to stiles pack

"what why we thought you hated Stiles why are you joining his pack!?" Scott said in a dumbfounded way

"There are three reasons Scott the first is when I did find out and joined the pack Stiles was the only one to really accept me into the and then you treated me like you treated him, second the only reason why I joined your pack in the first place was because of Jackson cause he's my friend and I want him safe and third because of that guy," Danny says pointing at sam

"what the fuck do you mean?" Scott says becoming more agitated

"well he's been staring at me all day with a look I know all too well putting that with the fact that he's a supernatural I came to the conclusion that I'm his mate" Danny stops pointing and walks up to sam "Am I right" Danny questioned

At this point, sam is looking down at Danny and releases a quiet but deep "yes" which makes everyone apart from stiles audibly gasp then turning back to Stiles.

"Also I was wondering if you can give me the bite" This makes everyone gasp again

"you can't do that ill tell the argent they will hunt you down and end your pack," Scott says cockily

"Well we won't I went to France to talk to Chris last year and he said that I can turn as many people I want within reason so my pack can be as big as I want," Stiles says grinning as he sees Scotts face drop

"Why would he do that he blame you for Allison's death!" Scott screams

"No, he actually blames you because of the complete lack of control you have over your pack and their mental wellbeing he told me that it was your fault cause you were alpha and you didn't pick up on your packmates pain which leads him to be possessed by an evil spirit"Stiles yelled back at Scott then turning back to Danny

"Ok, what do you wanna be a werewolf or a hybrid?" Stiles questions him

"wait how can I be a hybrid?" Danny asks confused well cause I have magic and can give the bite I can spread it evenly to the two most prominent supernatural DNAs in your body its really confusing trust me?" stiles says

"So do you know what I will become?" Danny asks

"I'll only know when I bite you," Stiles says

"Okay do it, " Danny says rolling up his sleeve

Without a second thought, stiles fangs release and dig into Danny's arm who started to feel his blood boil and feel hot all over before Stiles lets go and stood there a few moments in silence

"Woah," stiles says while looking at Danny

"What am I?"

"your half werelion and half phoenix that's a pretty good combo and quiet similar to you mate," Stiles says

Danny turns to sam "what are you?" he questions

"werewolf and phoenix," sam says looking into Danny's eyes before pulling him into a lustful kiss

"not to interrupt such a sweet moment but can we get on with destroying your pack now people actually have things to do here?" Scott says impatiently

"ok everyone of to the sides Sam and Boyd in the middle, "Stiles says everyone disperses while Boyd and sam are in the middle

"ok everyone listens up I'm only saying this once"Stiles shouts everyone goes quiet "At the beginning of each match you will shake hands even though your fighting you will be in the same pack after tonight everyone understands?" Stiles asks everyone nods "good and the way to win is either knockout or submission no fatal wounds or killing everyone understood? every one nods again

"ok let's get started both of your shift" stiles stays as Boyd sifts into is beta wolf form and sam shifts into his form the only difference is his claws are lit up neon orange

"AAAAnnnnnnndddd FIGHT!!!!!"


Hi guys Luka here Hope you all enjoyed this chapter


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