Pack vs Pack part 2

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Well, that fight was underwhelming would be an understatement Boyd fell over a tree branch...... A FUCKING TREE BRANCH

Anyway, Sam started to piss himself with laughter which angered Boyd up enough to run at him like a bull unfortunately for Boyd Sam dodged at the last moment and Boyd went headfirst into a tree. Knocking him out......

"sooooo does that mean I win?" Sam said after a pregnant silence

"Just get back here," Stiles said in a tone like he was done with this shit already. while watching Scott drag an unconscious Body out of the fighting arena

"Well the win goes to Stiles pack although I personally don't think my mate won that," Danny says in a confused voice

"But bab-"Sam was cut off quickly

"Nope you be quiet," Danny says with a playful glare "well the next two up are Clara and Erica"

Both ladies step up top there starting positions Clara stretching while Erica was on her phone not giving a care in the world

"Aaaaaannnnd FIGHT!!" Danny shouts

Clara was about to run at her but saw she hasn't even moved yet she was still staring at her phone so she thought of a funny plan. She walked up to Erica who was still engrossed in her phone and snatched it.

Erica was in hysterics "give me my phone you bitch!!" Erica exclaimed trying to reach it but couldn't because Clara kept dodging

"how about an ultimatum you give up and I give you your phone back?" Clara said trying to contain her laughter

Without a second thought, Erica shouted "I FOREFIT, GIMME GIMME GIMME" Reaching for her phone not knowing what she said

Clara knowing that she had won threw her phone in the air saying only one word......


Hey guys Luka here

Wow been nearly a year since I've updated but it feels good to be back I have genuinely forgotten that I was writing this I clicked on it said wow this is amazing then it went to be continued I went damn and that was good as well

Turns out it was mine so I'm continuing the story idea please don't kill me I will probably post irregularly but there will be a new chapter or two every week

Thanks for reading and....


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