He Tells His Fans (Grayson)

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It was 9 a.m on a Saturday morning when you were awoken by the sound of your phone ringing. You thought it was just a dream until realizing it wasn't. You sprung out of bed and grabbed your phone answering the call. "Hello?" You said slow and groggily. "Hey babe!" Grayson sounded really excited. "Grayson why are you calling me so early. You know I like to sleep in." You put your phone on speaker because you were to lazy to hold it. "I know but Y/N, this is really important!" You could tell that Grayson was smiling on the other end of the phone. "Okay so tell me the big deal so I can go back to sleep!" You sighed. "No, no, no, no, no. When I tell you this you are not going back to bed." He said seriously. "The can your frikin tell me!" By now you were mad and anxious. "Actually no. All I'm gonna say is get up and meet me at my house in an hour. And oh, dress nice." Grayson immediately hung up the phone. "Ughhhh" you yelled while getting off your bed. You looked at yourself in the mirror realizing how terrible you looked, so you knew you would probably spend the whole hour getting ready.

-10:00 am-

After picking out a cute sundress with toms, straightening your hair, applying makeup, and eating some food, you finally walked to Grayson's house which was a couple streets over. Before even stepping on the driveway Grayson ran out of the house to greet you. "Hey Gray." You said calmly until Grayson picked you up and spun you around giving a big kiss. "Grayson Dolan put me down!" You laughed. "Sorry I cant help myself, You just so damn beautiful!" He smirked while looking at you. "So why am I here?" You asked. "Come to the backyard." Grayson grabbed your hand and happily dragged you to his backyard. Set up under a tree was a blanket with all your favourite foods. "Y/N I've decided to take you on a picnic." He looked over at him. "Gray! This is the sweetest thing ever!" You kissed him and both sat down. "Now just wait. Before we dig in I wanted to tell you something." He sounded pretty serious. "I think I'm gonna tell my fans about us." You looked at him with surprise. "Oh..um okay?" You were completely shocked and didn't know how to respond. "Are you okay with this?" "Of course I am! But what if they don't like me?" You were pretty concerned. "Y/N. They'll like you cause I do." He smiled and immediately went to his phone. Grayson posted his favourite picture of you guys hold hands while penny boarding and added the caption "my beautiful girlfriend...the light of my life." You blushed after seeing the picture and Grayson rushed his lips into yours. You sat their kissing passionately. "Hold on babe I have to go to the bathroom." Grayson said. You chuckled and he ran off. After he left, you were flipping through your phone looking at all the comments of the picture that Grayson posted. "Who is this girl?" "Shes probably so ugly, he should date me." "I bet she doesn't even deserve him!" Your eyes grew wide after reading the comments. It literally went on and on. Your vision became blurry and a tear dripped down your face followed by many others. You didn't want Grayson to see you crying so you walked towards the garage and sat down leaning against the panel wall. "What if these people are right? What if i don't deserve him?" You thought to yourself. You saw Grayson walk out of the house and stop after seeing you were gone. He turned around and ran over to you. "Y/N! What happened?!" He sounded so concerned. You said nothing and handed him your phone. He read the comments and handed your phone back. Grayson knelt down beside you and rested his head against your. "Baby this honestly doesn't mean anything. I understand why your upset, but it's not like it changes my feelings for you." "But Grayson, I want your fans to like me! I know they can influence your feelings." Grayson looked at you and tilted your head up. "Y/N nobody will every change the way I feel about you!" He wrapped his hand around you and squeezed you so tightly, you had no choice but to stop crying. "Can we not let this ruin our day cause I worked so damn hard on this picnic." You laughed and he smiled carrying you back to the blanket where you enjoyed delicious food while cuddling for the rest of the day. 

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