First Kiss (Ethan)

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It's been 4 months since you first met Ethan and you guys grew very close, really quickly. You were at Ethan's house sitting in the living room watching Criminal Minds. "You wants some chips or something?" Ethan asked. "It's okay, I'm good." Ethan walked into the living room and sat closely beside you. "So what ya wanna do today?" You asked Ethan. "You up for a swim maybe later?" "Sure, Im gonna have to run down the street and grab a bathing suit." You explained. "I'll come with you." You and Ethan walked over to the front door. You both slipped on your vans and walked outside. "Jeez it's hot out today." You muttered. "I know. Thank god I have a pool." Ehtan said. You chuckled and continued to walk together. As you were walking you could feel the presence of Ethan's eyes looking at you. You glanced over at him. "Ethan why do you keep looking at me?" You asked. "Cause your beautiful, Y/N" He replied with a smile on his face. You blushed with embarrassment. His comment really made you happy and you new he was flirting with you. You've never thought of the idea of you and Ethan being a couple because you were always such good friends. "Just wait outside, I'll only be a minute." You ran inside your house and went up to your room. You looked at yourself in the mirror fixing your hair. You grabbed a turquoise bikini top and black bottoms and changed into the bathroom slipping a sun dress over top. You put extra clothes in a near by bag and headed back outside to meet Ethan.

*Back at his house*

Grayson was out at the mall with Y/B and Cameron was hanging out with some friends so you and Ethan were home alone. "You ready?" You shouted across the house. You were standing by the back door waiting for Ethan. He came out in red bathing suit shorts. "Well don't you look hot" you chuckled. "I don't just look it, I am hot. It's literally boiling in here." "Then let's go!" You ran outside and without hesitation jumped directly into the pool. Ethan stared at you with widened eyes and a big smile as you popped your head up. "Canon Ball!" Ethan shouted. He landed right on top of you as he jumped into the pool. You both sank to the bottom laughing. You swam up to the surface for air. Ethan popped up beside you and laughed. You stared at each other like you were the only people on Earth. You felt his hand slowly grab your waist. "Ethan...I..." You were interrupted by Ethan's lips pressing against yours. You wrapped both of your arms around him and slowly sank kissing each other passionately. While being underwater, you looked at him letting bubbles of air leave your lungs while smiling. You swam back up jumping on top of Ethan's back. He turned around and grabbed your face. "From the moment I first saw you, there was just something that drew me to you. I've always liked you Y/N and I want to be with you." You bit your lip in the thought of you and Ethan being in a relationship. He leaned in and kissed you again. You broke the kiss with a smile. "Ethan, I feel the same way. I really like you too and want to be with you as well." Ethan's face lit up like a Christmas tree and you two continued to kiss floating around in the pool. 

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