The Oracle

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Soft sprinkles of rain splashed against my bare skin. The storm had finally begun to move on, though some of it lingered behind. My legs wobbled underneath my weight, but with so many eyes watching me I had no choice but to stand. 

Kirch backed off with a small smile pulling at his lips. He approved. "That's what I want to see." I couldn't help but to feel proud. 

My eyes flickered to the onlookers who had paused their own training to watch. They seemed to be fascinated, whether it be to watch a gamma training with a zeta, or to see a female gamma. I understood either way. 

Kirch's eyes followed mine. All it took was one look from him and the males were sent scuttling, attempting to look busy. He was truly a force to be reckoned with. 

He didn't seem convinced by their attempt, but didn't reprimand them. Instead he turned his attention back to me. "Take a walk with me, Gamma." My legs were still wobbling, chest feeling caved in. "If you can." 

I shot the zeta a glare. "I can." 

Kirch raised a brow before chuckling. "Let's go then." He turned from me, trusting his warriors would continue to do as told. I could still feel their eyes lingering on me. 

I struggled to match the pace of his long stride. He did not slow down for me. "Your ceremony is tonight." 

"I know," I breathed out. Breathing too deeply caused sharp pains in my chest, forcing me to take short ones instead. "I've made all the preparations for Lohr's funeral. Everything is ready." 

"Yes, but are you?" 

"What are you implying?" 

"I'm asking if you're ready to be front and center of a war. As a female, putting your face and name out there as the Gamma of NightBlood will draw many eyes. You would be one of the first targets, if not first." Kirch was respectful and kept his voice low. "You have not been here very long and yet you've already put yourself at the center." 

"I know what I have gotten myself into. If you're trying to get me to back down, Zeta, I will not. This is my place and my home now. You even helped me to get where I am, though now you seem to have second thoughts about it. Why?" 

"You caught my attention the second you set foot on this land. I couldn't put my finger on it at the time, but I understand it now. You and Alpha Blackford are very. . Similar." I didn't have to see his face to know he was smiling. "He came to NightBlood almost the same way you did. Young and naïve, pretending to be someone else, set on their righteous mission. I was drawn to him too. Drawn to that drive and determination. 

I never liked his father. He was a coddled, weak little male. I helped Alpha Blackford just as I helped you; indirectly. If it were meant to happen, it would. It wasn't immediate, though. He watched and he learned, just as you. It took two years before he finally killed his father. You, on the other hand. ." Kirch trailed off into silence. 

"Do you think I'm not ready to be where I am?" I steeled myself for his answer. Kirch's opinion meant a lot to me. He was a father figure I didn't get to have. 

"I think you're where the Moon has intended you to be. You are an incredibly strong female, Gamma. You're young yet mature, in control of yourself. But I am worried about you. I don't think you completely know what you've gotten yourself into. I don't think that you are prepared to watch people die for you." He took a deep breath and sighed quietly. "I'm not a man of words. I can't phrase things the way I want to. I've never had children and I most likely never will, but I do see you as a daughter. 

I care about you, and I don't want to see your head end up on a spike in MistFang."

"I'd like to say I think I am ready for those things, but it doesn't matter if I am or not. I am the Gamma of NightBlood now. It's my responsibility now to lead, to be a face for this pack." I wrapped an arm around my chest, hoping to ease some of the pain. Kirch had no doubt at least cracked a rib or two when he stomped on my chest. Very fatherly of him. 

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