Chapter 27: Flying (Jisoo)

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"Of course it's not your fault that you booked our flight earlier than discussed but are you kidding me? You know how important it is for me to stay with my family on my birthday, right?"

Jennie's breathing is definitely telling me that she's mad. She's the person who doesn't get pissed easily and the most polite I know of but her stature right now and the way her tone reached few decibels higher make it to the list of how to spot a seriously furious Ruby Jane.

She's massaging her temple while pacing back and forth in the living room. "I'm flying on the 18th as what has been agreed upon. I don't get it why you can't rebook my ticket. My team can go ahead anyway."

She entered her bedroom and slowly closed the door while I continued decorating both our phone cases with the new stickers we bought online.


"Jis, I'm flying on the 15th," said the devastated Jendeuk as soon as she came out. "I'm sorry but we can't go to Boracay to spend my birthday there. I'm going to ask Lisa to cancel the hotel reservation. Shocks, this is fucked up."

"I'll do it. I mean, I'll call her.”

She sighed. “Thanks. I’ll just get us tomato juice.”

I excused myself and walked to the terrace to call Lisa in a hush. Luckily, she instantly picked up.

"The news has arrived and our dear Jenjen isn't pleased at all. It tugged all the positive energy from her. Can you come over, Lisa? I don't think I can play innocent anymore knowing how devastated she is right now."

"Unnie are you kidding me? You planned all of this and now you're all chicken about it."

"I don't have much time on the phone I think she's coming near me." I heard Lisa cackled from the other line. This bitch. I shifted my reaction when I saw Jennie really is walking towards me. "Just cancel the reservation," I told Lisa on the line, making myself audible to the now approaching victim.

"Reservation in London? Unnie!"

"Lisa I am going to shave your bangs."

"Hahaha I'm just messing with you! Alrighty, I'll be there before you know it. Do good with your acting. Good luck!"

"Unnie, you guys can still go and celebrate my birthday without me. It's fine."

"Are you sure?"

She sighed again and handed me my glass of fresh tomato juice.

“Paris Haute Couture Week starts on the 20th right? So what's with the rush?"

"They mistakenly booked the flight for me and my team earlier. Rebooking it will cost a lot."

"Your team can go ahead." Fuck self, do well.

"But they said it's like a blessing in disguise coz we can have ample of time to rest before the show. I couldn't believe I flopped my own birthday plan. I'm really sorry."

"Hey. It's not yet the end of world, okay? We sure can celebrate it still when you come back."

"Awww bummer. It'll spoil all the energy. I never liked celebrating my birthday in a later date you know that."

Jennie's actual travel to UK is on February when London Fashion Week kicks off. The Paris Haute Couture Week is a gig, no scratch that, a favor I asked from the director of the show who happens to be my friend. His call something that Jendeuk's agency can never turn down, made my sister commit to it the day after my birthday when her manager told her the news. Another reason that she whole heartedly accepted it was the date. It's happening after her birthday.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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