The Sixth Member

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Title: The Sixth Member

Author's Name: MagdelineRuthra1408

Prologue: Addriana Waters is abused mentally and physically by her father yet she doesn't let them stop her from achieving her goals. She loves eating food, spicy food to be exact. She can play any instrument, is an amazing artist, extraordinary boxer, a brilliant cook and a phenomenal singer nutshell does have a few bad habits which are drinking and swearing. When she receives a scholarship to go to the Academy of Arts in London she jumps at the offer. When she gets to London she starts fresh but it isn't that easy when people are judging her because she's Indian and from Malaysia but that doesn't stop her. Soon enough the people at school learn to live with her. A year after she joins the Academy of Arts she decides to take a bigger step by joining X-Factor at age eleven. There she gets put into a band with five other guys. They call themselves One Direction. Even though they lost X-Factor they still get signed by Syco Records. Did I mention she's deaf?

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