Prologue~First Grade

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I slumped into my seat on the bus and prepared for my dreadful ride to my new school. I knew absolutely no one. Absolutely no one knew me. When the slow bus ride finally came to an end, I stood up and walked down the aisle and off the bus. Already, the new school seemed huge and absolutely terrifying. I trudged to my first grade classroom and took the only empty seat, which I assumed was mine. Kids began to file in and give me dirty look as they walked by. I decided to put my head down, until I could hear someone ask me what my name was.

"Um, I'm Gabriella." I said nervously as I looked up, only to be met by the most handsome boy I had ever seen. He had short, but curly, brown hair and absolutely beautiful eyes. His smile made my heart melt. So, when he told me his name was Brad Simpson, I was stunned. He had such a beautiful name.

"Nice to meet you, Gabriella" he said, giving me a smile as he sat down in the empty seat next to me. "Do you want to be friends?"

"I would love to." I said, and flashed him a toothy smile.


After we had math, our class went to music, where Brad sat right next to me again. Once everyone started singing, I noticed that Brad's voice was so pretty. He sang every note right. It was like he was born to sing. The rest of the day, Brad stuck by my side, telling me what to do and what not to do. Giving me advice, and even giving me a hug, which made me giggle.

"Hey Gabbie?" Brad gave me the nickname since he said my name was too long for him, but I liked it anyway.

"Yea Brad?' i asked him.

"Promise that we'll always stay friends even when we get older." he said.

"I promise." I smiled

"Pinky promise?" he stuck out his pinky....

"I pinky promise."

After the day was over, I surprisingly couldn't wait to go back again tomorrow and see the little boy that stole my heart in first grade.


A/N: Hey guys! There will be two people working on this fanfic, me (Caitlyn) and thevamps_music (Francesca). At the end of each chapter it will say who wrote it:) Anyways, I hope you like this prologue:) Love you all! <3

Pinky Promise // Brad SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now