Chapter Five - Matters Arising

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I settled down in the armchair and snoozed for a while, listening to the sounds of the party below, and, when Zi'Anna came up, I sent her through to the spare bed in the twins' room. She was too old to be spending every night sleeping in that thing.

Then I tried to settle down again but I couldn't get anything like comfy. I just don't know how Zi'Anna was managing it every night. I knew that I'd never be able to sleep properly, sitting up like that.

I was about to try kipping down on the floor but then it occurred to me that there was plenty of room in bed with Master for one very small, worried kitten.

So I slipped in, under the covers, and, as I snuggled up with him, this blanket of calm spread over me that I hadn't felt since that terrible 'small crocodiles' text from Terri.

I slept much better than I'd slept in weeks and, when I woke up, there was just the merest hint of the grey dawn lighting up the hills outside the window. And, when I worked out where I was, I snuggled in even closer to Master.

And, as I snuggled, I realised that Mr Lovely was pleased to see me... like... very pleased indeed... And when I realised how pleased he was, a funny sort of shudder passed through me and I suddenly felt very pleased to see him too.

So I eased myself on top of him and started making the most of the... well... thing that had come up. I did a fair bit of experimenting, of course, and discovered this funny hip-swaying thing that he seemed to rather like... liked quite a lot, in fact!

So I did it a couple more times.

And, when we were both agreeably done, I carried on lying on top of him and then I suddenly realised that he had sort of managed to reach around with his hands and was definitely trying to squidge my bottom.

And I distinctly heard him murmur in my ear, "Good morning, Kitten. That was a very pleasant way to wake up!"

And, when I stretched up a little bit to look at him, by the grey light of dawn, I could see he was smiling at me... and meeting my eye... and it was obvious he was... well... there.

And then I was struck by a horrible realisation. Even though this was way, way beyond 'death by embarrassment' level stuff, I had absolutely no choice...

I was going to have to tell Dr Nil.

At least I had the common sense... and the common decency, I suppose... to wait until it was properly morning... and I even persuaded Zi'Anna to do her cappuccino thing before I went up to disturb the two newlyweds.

When I knocked on the door, there was a fair bit of shuffling but then Dr Nil called, "Come in."

I managed to make my way inside... which was a bit tricky because I had three coffee cups balanced on a tray... and I made sure the door was closed before starting. "There's something I need to tell you," I said hesitantly.

"Go on," Dr Nil said encouragingly. Of course Terri was giggling at the whole situation but he managed to shut her up with a bit of a stern glance.

"I..." I knew I was turning bright red but I had to press on anyway. "I sort of found myself sleeping in the same bed as Mr Bossy and I sort of..."

I trailed off. The whole situation was being made even worse by the fact that Terri was lying next to him, trying to bottle up her giggles... and that the two of them were obviously naked... and it was the first morning of their married life... and I suddenly realised what all the shuffling had been about when I knocked.

I suppose I should, on balance, probably have thought my timing through a little bit better!

"There were certain matters arising?" Terri suggested and even Dr Nil, who had been trying to stay serious, just cracked up! And I couldn't help but join in.

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