Chapter 2

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Eddy shook his head. He had no idea what was going on.

"Hello Eddy dear son, what a pleasant surprise. You should call me more often, like once a week!"

"Hi Mum, um... do you know if there's something weird going on in the Taiwanese community?"

"That is a very strange question."

"I suppose it is Mum. Look, today I was asked by 3 Taiwanese people what day I was born on and when I said the 23rd, they all got upset."


"Ooooh what?? What is it mum??"

"Sorry son, I can't tell you, you need one of them to explain it to you when they are ready."


"Bye son, take care of yourself and please call me again soon. Love you."

Eddy's mum ended the call.

Eddy screamed.

"Da fuq!?!?!"

"Eddy? OMG"

"Brett! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, of course, I am. I said I'd be, didn't I?"

"Look, I'm sorry to call you while you are on leave in Taiwan but I was worried about you."

"Um.. thanks Eddy, that's really sweet of you. But really, I'll be okay. I'll tell you everything when I get home regardless of the outcome, I promise, okay??"

"What sort of outcome are we expecting???"

"I'm hoping for the best possible one, whatever that is. Eddy, don't worry. Thanks so much for looking out for me Eddy, I really appreciate it. I gotta go."

"Wait!! Brett, please, give me something..!! I really need to know, I'm worried, please...!"

Brett sighed, then quickly whispered back.

"...Look up doublet day. Promise you won't ask around or tell anyone about this though, okay?"

"Okay... thanks."

Brett hung up the phone.

Eddy felt his head spin.

He quickly flicked his phone to Google "doublet day" but he found nothing.

He screeched in frustration.

He remembered Brett asking him not to "ask around" but he couldn't help himself.


"OMG Eddy, some people do have to get up early you know."

"Look sis, I'm so sorry to call you so late but I really need to ask you what a doublet day is."

"Why would you care? You don't have a doublet birthday."

"What the heck is that?"

"You know. When your birth date matches the month number. Like 6th of June or 8th of August."

"...or 3rd of March...?"

Brett's birthday.

"Yeah. Ooooooo, who's born on the 3rd of March???"

"Nevermind. So what's the big deal with doublet birthdays?"

"This new thing came out from this really famous Taiwanese fortune teller that people with doublet birthdays are very compatible with each other."


"I'm sorry Eddy, other doublet birthday people are more compatible with the love of your life than you are."

"Oh for goodness sakes, he is NOT the love of my life..!"

"It's a he??"

Oh f*ck.

"Eddy, is there something you want to tell me?"

"NO, except thank you for the info. Sorry to have called you so late. Good night."

This time it was Eddy who hung up the phone and he couldn't have done it quickly enough.

Born on a Doublet DayWhere stories live. Discover now