Chapter 8

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It was Brett's first time being at Eddy's flat.

Eddy unlocked the door and walked in and Brett followed in. As soon as the door clicked shut, Eddy turned around.

"Sorry Brett, I really really need this."


Eddy dropped his keys and bag and he grabbed Brett by the shoulders and pulled him in and started crying.

"Oh Eddy.. it's okay. We had too many interruptions before, didn't we ? It's okay.."

Brett hugged him back as Eddy cried into his shoulder.

Between sobs, Eddy asked,

"Brett... how..long ?"

"How long what, Eddy?"

"How long before gets easier?"

" I don't' know Eddy, we are all different.."

"Yeah I suppose."

"Look Eddy, it may not feel like it now, but I am sure it will get easier with time...They say it does..."

Eddy started to struggle to suppress his sobs again.

"I wish... I wish.. I just forward the time to when it gets ..a bit easier.. cos this is too painful.."

"Hey, it means you care, yeah? Her family will appreciate it. I think Edwina would appreciate it."

"Aaaaargh, Brett, you're gonna make me cry even more..!!"

Eddy wailed and tried to bury his face into Brett's chest by putting his arms around Brett's waist.

Brett sighed and went up on his toes to make it easier for Eddy.

As Brett noticed that Eddy slowly started to calm down, he had a quick glance towards the living room. After all, Brett had only made 2 steps into Eddy's flat so far.

"...Hey Eddy, you've got a nice place."

"..Yeah? Um..., thanks."

Eddy slowly pulled away from Brett. Brett sighed and came down from being on his toes, shrinking several centimetres.

"..Eddy, do you want anything? Can I go and fix you a drink or something?"

"OMG Brett, have you been up on your toes so that I could...What? Oh, no, no, no, sorry, you're my guest. Lemme get you something."

"Only if you're getting something for yourself, Eddy."

"I'll just put the kettle on and make green tea then? Is that okay?"

"Of course, that's perfect, thanks."

They finally made it into Eddy's living room and sat side by side on the couch while they sipped their tea quietly for a while.

"So, um, Brett, we never got to talk about your thing... What are you going to tell your mum?"

"Oh... well in light of what has happened.. I think she will eventually hear the word and this whole thing should come to an end anyway.."

"Oh, yeah, I suppose.."

"I was initially thinking about telling her some more fibs.. like maybe I wasn't sure about my sexual preferences and that I had an experimental fling with you but that we've broken up already. But I would then have to make sure she doesn't make it her mission to find you. Her Taiwanese network is like the CIA ."


"Yeah, bad idea. I shouldn't toss in any more fuel into the mix. My lame attempts to patch things up are doomed to fail. Heck, I gave the village elderly guy your name and that info travelled all the way from country Taiwan to Brisbane in like 24 hours and look at the hot water I ended up in. I suppose I'll avoid talking to her about it till she hears about Edwina, hopefully not too much information will be given to mum because talking about it too much is bad luck.."

"...Brett, I don't mind y'know."

"You don't mind what, Eddy?"

"Y'know, if you want to tell something to your mum about me, I don't mind. You've been so supportive...I'm willing to do anything for you to make it easier."

"...Eddy, that's really sweet but I'd have to say no to that.. I've already explained to you that I've already created a big enough mess by mentioning your name and I really regret that happening..."

"But Brett, I really don't mind..."

"Eddy, you're not in a normal state of mind... I'm not going, take advantage of you, okay?"


"OMG, I'm sorry Eddy, that came out all wrong. What I meant was, I'm not going to make things more complicated, especially at your expense, putting your reputation on the line.   And besides, I honestly don't think it's an effective strategy anyway, okay? Please, just leave it with me, I think this thing will eventually settle on its own."

"But what about in the meantime, your relationship with your mum..?"

"It's okay.. I'm a big boy, I can handle it, trust me?"

Eddy finally gave a little smile.

"Yeah, of course, I can trust you can handle it, Brett."

"Good. Now, are you going to be okay? I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7, alright?"


A/N: Thank you always for reading my stories. This was the second last episode. The next one is the final chapter.

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