Chapter 9

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The next day the principal called a special assembly in the school hall to announce the sad news to the students. Prior to doing so, the principal had collected Edwina's close friends from classes to tell them in person first. Some of them became so upset their parents were contacted and were sent home. They were all offered an opportunity to speak to a counsellor.

Eddy looked around the hall where the Year 11s sat and noticed Brad's absence.

The assembly was just about to start and Eddy was already feeling overwhelmed and needed some air. He looked around and immediately caught the eyes of Brett who was standing at the opposite side of the school hall. Brett nodded to him and Eddy instantly knew that Brett meant that Eddy could step out, so he did. He took the nearest exit on the side of the hall, as Brett walked around to take Eddy's spot as teachers were meant to spread out in the hall to supervise students at all times.

Eddy was so grateful Brett had kept an eye out for him, expecting that Eddy may need to take time out.

Eddy stepped outside of the hall. It was raining. The sprinkles of water droplets quickly covered up Eddy's glasses. There wasn't anyone around anyway but it was reassuring to know that people wouldn't be able to tell that he was crying. Eddy leaned onto the railing of the stairs outside the hall as he looked up into the sky felt the rain on his face.

I gotta somehow pull myself together... how am I supposed to teach classes like this??

He understood what Brett told him yesterday, that time should gradually heal his wound but he felt he needed so much more time than he could afford. It felt like it was so unfair that Edwina had to leave this world so young without experiencing "life" and such thoughts pained him.


Eddy turned to his side and saw Brad had joined him leaning on the same railing.

"Brad, did you just get to school?"

"No. The principal let me stay in his office cos I didn't want to be at the assembly. I felt too self-conscious.. I didn't want anyone looking at me when they tell the news.. y'know."

"Of course. I think I can understand that."

Eddy was in awe with all the things that had to be thought through for their students. He returned his glance back to over the railing. It was Brad this time that turned to Eddy.

"...Sir can I tell you somethin'?"

Eddy turned to Brad and smiled.

"Of course you can."

"Um.. but it's really cheesy and cringey."

Eddy tilted his head in question and gave a little smirk.

"That's okay. Surprise me."

"Um...I was meant to kiss Edwina on the 5th of May."

Eddy raised both eyebrows in surprise. Brett didn't meet Eddy's stare and held his gaze forward.

"...On her 16th birthday?"

"Yeah. Um.. she wouldn't let me till then."

Eddy couldn't suppress his smile.


"Well, I've pecked her on her cheek and we've kinda done it, lightly, y'know. But she wanted me to .. to.. y'know, kiss on her birthday."

Eddy smiled again. He was actually crying and smiling at the same time and let out a little hiccup of a sob. It was kind of embarrassing that he did that in front of a student but he loved the warm and fuzzy feeling he got from Brad's story.

"That's... very sweet. Not cheesy or cringey at all. Very appropriate for a sweet sixteen, I think. Thank you for sharing that with me."

"Yeah, well, there wasn't anyone else I could really share this with without getting the full cringe or worse, someone like her dad might kill me y'know."

"I see. Well, I'm really glad you told me. I feel honoured to know."

"Sir, I've been wondering though. I've been thinking whether I should've seized the day more, y'know ? I mean, while she was with me..."

Eddy raised an eyebrow, then broke into a smile.

"I dunno Brad. I think she appreciated you being a gentleman and respecting her wishes. And I bet she was so looking forward to her birthday to be kissed by you. I'm sure she was counting down the days to her birthday and smiling every time she did so."

Brad closed his eyes tight and used his fists to wipe away his tears.

"Yeah... I hope so. Thanks, sir. I think I'll sign out today at the office and go home early."

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow."

Eddy watched Brad walk away from the school hall towards the school gate.

She definitely wasn't ready nor interested in marrying a 28 year old guy. She was in love with a 17 year old boy and it must have been heart-breaking for her to have had that fight with Brad when she had to go back to Taiwan to meet Brett.

But Brett sorted that out and she made up with Brad and they were looking forward to their first proper kiss on her sweet 16th birthday, counting down the days... man, she probably had more moments that made her heart sing than what I've been having lately. Lucky girl.

Eddy was still sad that she was gone so young. But Eddy knew he couldn't change that. And learning how happy she was with Brad made Eddy feel very happy for her. And that was a wonderful feeling and it was all thanks to Brad's story.

Eddy felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Hey Eddy, we're just about finished in the hall and the students will be coming out any minute. How are you feeling?"

"Hey, Brett. I'm good. Thanks for covering for me, I really appreciate it. I'm so lucky to have you."

Brett was a bit taken back by Eddy's gush of emotions but noticed there was some strength returning to his voice.

"Um... no worries. So you're good to go back to class with your students now?"

"Yeah, I'll be okay, thanks."

Eddy felt the shift in his mood. He felt like he was no longer on an emotional roller-coaster and felt like he was standing on solid ground. He felt he could be strong for his students, even for his Year 10 class which Edwina used to be in.

Eddy smiled at Brett and repeated himself.

"Yeah, I'll be okay.. thanks, Brett."


A/N: This concludes the story of Born on a doublet day. Thank you for reading my stories. From one simple prompt of Brett being born on a doublet day, the whole story wrote itself. I hope you enjoyed it and if you did I hope you will come back again to read some of my other books. They will be new ones starting soon!


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