Tag #15

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I was tagged by XxQueencolourXx, so ty dear!❤

Here we go!😂😂😂❤❤❤

1. Do you like yourself?
Uhhhh Idk... not rlly, no--

2. What's your most important-to-you passion?
Errrr... music & reading maybe?

3. Sweets or savory food?
Depends on my mood-

4. Hot or cold drinks?
Depending whether it's summer or winter😂😂😂😂

5. Stand alone books or a series?
"The number you've dialed is incorrect. Please try again later"😂😂 rlly, Idek what you're talking bout💀💀💀

6. Favorite pet you have/have had
Well I only have had fish & still do, so Imma say fish cuz I ain't never had any other pet lol😂😂😂

7. What is the saddest thing to you?
Not being able to see my idols cuz they're all dead😭 (but never forgotten😉)

8. What would you find most exciting?
That time machines rlly exist. That scientists found the cure to cancer & AIDS.

9. Ever purposely ignored a text?
If an annoying person writes to me, bye-bye text😂😂💀💀

10. Favorite quality in your best/closest friend?
They all are super funny☺ (y'all know who you are)

11. One quality you want to possess yourself?
Uh... Idk😂😂😂

12. Ever held a lizard?
What kinda question is this? Ofc not, ew😨

13. Are you allergic to anything?

Not that I know, no

I now tag:


& anyone who'd like to do this, even if I didn't tag you😂

You don't have to do this if you don't want to😉

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