Get to know & tag me (Tag #3)

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I was tagged by CowgailG

1. I'm blonde
2. I'm left-handed
3. My nose bleeds every now and then
4. I'm 13 y/o
5. I love sleeping
6. I love school as much as Michael loves to tour
7. I live in South America
8. I'm Hispanic
9. Idk what else to put in here
10. I'm writing this while my nose bleeds
11. I'm the non-social girl of the group
12. I have brown-greenish eyes (Idk how to describe them)
13. I bite my nails o.o

I now tag:

1. ArielleBryant3
2. superflysister22
3. MoonwalkinLikeMJ
4. appleheadmoonwalker_
5. dxncingquxeen
6. hecansuckmysocks
7. moonwalking_queenie
8. Moonwalker_4_eva
9. ParisMk
10. Seducingsounds2004
11. superg61
12. ZaddyMikes_GoldPants
13. Aesthetic_OTW
15. NippyApple

·You don't have to do it if you don't want to :D
·I let you comment instead of making a chapter if you don't wanna make a chapter ;)

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