Tag #18

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I've been tagged by The_Jean_Genie_ so ty!♥️

1. What's your favorite Queen album?
Sheesh Idk ☠️

2. What's your favorite Queen member?
I love all of em♥️☺️✨

3. What do you love about each member?
I love Bri's clogs --I mean-- hair, Roger's falsetto (don't kill me--☠️), Freddie's attitude towards the world and Deacy's shyness ;-;

4. What merchandise do you own?
None cuz I'm broke☠️ but I do have an unofficial tshirt with the logo & their faces, does that count?☠️☠️☠️

5. Have you ever met one of them?
Yes, in my constant daydreams☠️
On a more serious note, tho, I haven't met anyone :(

6. Do you like the Bohemian Rhapsody movie?
I absolutely love it!😍😍😍

7. What's your favorite scene in the movie?
«Not the coffee machine!»
«How many Galileo's do you want?»
«Roger, there's only room for one hysterical queen💅🏻»

8. Have you ever been to London?
No cuz I'm broke lol :')

9. What's your favorite Queen concert?
Live. Aid. Perioddd ♥️♥️♥️

10. Since when have you been a Queenie?
All my damn life✨✨✨✨✨

I tag:




you don't have to do it if you don't want to 😉


✨t a g b o o k✨Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora