Chapter one: Lost in an unknown world feeling cold hearts around me

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Ariel's Pov:
I hear the loud bang of the front door closing signaling that my dads left to work. I count to 30 knowing how long it takes for him to get his car started and drive off. I uncover myself and get out of my safe place (my bedroom closet) with the thoughts and flashbacks of last night still hitting me.
I grab my school uniform and as I'm slowly walking to my bathroom to take a shower because I'm so sore from the accident "fall" I took down the stairs, I run straight into my mom in the hallway with a big laundry basket full of clean folded laundry. I hiss in pain "oh my god I'm so sorry sweet heart! How are you feeling?" She puts the basket down gently touching my cheeks to get a good look at me. "I'm ok I'm just really sore mom, everything really hurts. Do I really have to go school today?" She sighs and puts her hands on her hips "you know how you father is about you staying home and missing school, and it's you last day of your sophomore year. You should be there and enjoy it and make the best out of it."
"Mom! Please! I'll handle dad I always do, and I can care less about school it's just the last day. You don't do anything in your morning classes and towards the end of the day they usually let us hang out in the court yard so we can count down together." She thinks about and then I see her smirk "look if you go to school, when you come home I will tell you the surprise I've been planning for you so you can actually enjoy your summer this year." That automatically perks me up because I never get surprises "a surprise for me? Really?" She smiles really big "yup, but you won't know what it is unless you go to school."
I quickly jump in the shower, get dressed, straighten me hair, take some Tylenol, grab my coffee my mom made for me, grab my skateboard, and get to school as fast as I can in hopes that this summer will be better then last summer. Hopefully school will go by fast.
Danny's Pov:
"Hey that's good dude go take a lunch break your probably starving by now." Travis talks to me over the speaker in the drum booth I'm in. I put my sticks in my stick bag I have connected to the side of my snare drum, I grab my cellphone, my wallet, and my car keys so I can take off to Shore in hopes to eat lunch with my beautiful girlfriend Lindsey since I got out a little before her lunch break.
I end up calling Lindsey making plans to eat at the restaurant that's upstairs of the clothing stores he works at. When I pull up to Shore my cellphone rings, I pull my phone out to see that my moms calling me. "Hey mom what's up?"
"Nothing I just sent your sister off to school."
"Today's her last day right?"
"Yeah, she didn't want to go but then I told her I had a surprise for her so I'm planning to tell her about seeing you and Lindsey when she gets home."
"That's good, hey mom I have to go I'm sorry. Today We The Kings is working on the new album and me and Lindsey are about to go eat lunch."
"It's fine sweetie I just wanted to see how you were today and to tell you I'm telling Ariel about the trip today. Well bye sweetie have a good day, love you, and have a good lunch with Lindsey."
"You too mom bye."
I hang up to see Lindsey standing outside of Shore playing on her phone, man I really hope my sister takes the news good and wants to meet me, Marc, and Lindsey and I hope she understands why Marc and I had to leave when she was still a baby.
Ariel's Pov:
I'm on my way to go eat with my band director and help her do inventory on the bigger instruments when out of no where something hits my face really hard knocking me down. I get up and grab my messenger bag and see its a football "watch where your walking bitch!" I see one of the football players coming towards me to get the ball so I keep quiet and just run off.
When I get there my band director notices something's wrong. "Hey Ariel are you ok?" I take a sip of my water "the usual but I'll be fine" I tell her as I pop out a Tylenol from my backpack and swallow it. After talking and doing inventory the bell rings "I'll see you for summer camp, bye miss hope you have a good vacation." I wave as I leave the band hall to get my skateboard and finally leave this hell hole. I get to my locker and grab my skateboard slamming it closed just tired of my life and just fucking frustrated and sick of the fact that nothing can go right with my life.
I'm listening to some Flyleaf as I try my hardest just to relax and breathe as I roll home slowly on my skateboard. I can't stop thinking about the name calling I get everywhere because my dads a drunk, I can't stop thinking about the abuse I get at home and at school. I have no friends, my only friends are a few teachers that are probably only my friends because they feel bad for me. Maybe my dads right, maybe I am just a piece of shit that no one actually cares about. I take another deep breath and just shake my head trying to push those thoughts to the back of my head by singing a little.
I eventually roll up to the front of my house, and I see my dads car is parked in the driveway already. I freeze in fear, I look at my watch to make sure I'm not late home and nope I'm extremely early. Why is he so early? I debate on if I should go in or to my grandmas house because he hates when I'm not home before him. I kick my board up into my hand and decide to go in or the punishment will be way fucking worse then what I usually get.
I walk up to the front door, take a deep breath, and unlock the door as calmly as I can be right now. I slowly walk in, close the door, lock it, and when I turn around there's the devil himself. There stands my dad in the kitchen "what took you so long?"
"I had school dad..." I look at my watch "why are you home so early? Did something happen at work?"
"That's none of your fucking business isn't it? What I wanna know is can you explain this to me? Because apparently your mother wasn't making any sense." I slowly walk up to him trying to see what the piece of paper is. "It looks like a ticket? Where did this come from?"
"I don't know you tell me?! Where are you planning to go?!" I grab the ticket out of his hand and see that it's a ticket to Bradenton Florida. "Dad why would I want to go there? I have no reason to go there D-"
"You fucking liar!" He slaps me, knocking me down with all the force he puts into it. "Your trying to go see that idiot brother of yours am I right?!" I slowly start crawling away from him "dad I'm your only child I-I have no brother. Don't you remember?" He picks me up by the collar of my shirt and slams my back really hard up against the wall. "I forgot, your fucking whore of a mother never fucking told you."
"Mom is not a fucking whore!" I kick him in the balls and run up stairs to try and hide. But before I can get up there my ankle gets squeezed really hard, and twisted before being yanked down the stairs.
I fall down stairs feeling my ankle break as I hit the bottom of the stairs. I curl up and start yelling and crying at the severe pain. I hear my dad's footsteps, my dad shushes me but I can't stop crying "why dad? I-I haven't done anything wrong, you know I'd never leave you dad."
"Shut up!" He kicks me in the ribs shutting me up. I bite my lip trying to stop the sobs. "Your such a fucking failure! What's wrong with you?! I thought I raised you right but apparently I fucking didn't because you ended up exactly like your loser brother Danny. No you had to go and be a fucking musician behind my back, and the fact that your mother helped you hide it from me for so long, you both fucked up big time. I really wish you hadn't been born, you were a big fucking mistake in our lives. Now it's time for me to erase that mistake "my dad grabs a fist full of my hair and pulls me hard towards the wall. He starts kicking me hard in the ribs and in the head. Then he grabs me by my collar again punching me in the face before pinning me up against the wall and wrapping his hands around my throat in a very tight grip. I try to hit him or kick him to try to get him to let go but then he starts lifting me up by my throat adding more pressure every time I move.
I slowly start blacking out, this is it I'm gonna die. But then out of no where I'm let go causing me to collapse like a rag doll. I can't hear anything and I still can't breathe. So I gasp for air and cough slowly passing out from the lack of oxygen in my lungs.

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