Chapter 3: I'm sick of the cold And waiting for tomorrow

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AN: The picture above is what I mention Ariel wearing, and of the lion stuffed animal she's hugging at the end and if you get why I had the stuffed animal be a lion your awesome lol
      Today's finally the day that I get to be released from the hospital, and thank god I get to go home today because even though the nurse and my doctor are really nice to me hospitals just freak me out with all the death that happens here.

       I'm eating a bowl of oatmeal, some fruit, and a piece of toast when there's a knock on the door and Danny comes in with what looks like one of my old backpacks and I'm about to continue eating when I see a very tall redhead behind him. "Who's that Danny?" Danny smiles "this is Travis, he's the singer in the band I play in, and I brought him and my girlfriend with me when I came because I thought we'd need more help, helping you and mom move since you both are now handicap." I laugh "you act like i'm a vegetable now and I can't do anything at all." They both laugh "well here are some of your clothes, mom packed them for you, I'm gonna leave Travis here with you while I sign you out and grab your crutches for you." I give him a thumbs up and continue to eat what I have on my tray so I can leave as soon as possible.

       As I'm picking at the last of my fruit and oatmeal I feel someone looking at me, I look up and catch Travis looking at me and he quickly looks down pretending to be on his phone and I can't help but laugh a little to myself because that was kinda weird but cute how he got embarrassed. I finish up my food when Danny walks back in with two crutches, and two white bags  "you ready to leave?" I smile and tie up my robe I've been wearing to keep warm "hell yeah, do you mind helping me get to the bathroom so I can change?"

"Ok, do you know how to use the crutches?" I nod "the day Marc stayed here with me they taught me how to do it to see if I could do it with my broken ribs, I just have to go kind of slow or else my chest starts hurting." He nods and once I've taken the oxygen off he helps me sit up and off the bed. I slowly make my way to the bathroom on my crutches with Danny's hand safely on my back for support, and once he has me sitting on a chair in the bathroom he grabs the backpack and hands it to me. "Yell if you need my help, we'll be right out here waiting for you" I nod and he closes the door.

      I open the bag and thank god my mom packed me some of my grey baggy sweat pants and one of my favorite hoodies because I did not want to have to struggle putting on some shorts. I slip on my new and clean under clothes, and slip on my sweat pants and red t shirt. Suddenly there's a knock on the door right when I slipped on my hoodie and I'm about to brush out my hair "hey are you ok in there?" I hear Travis ask, I unlock the door and see Travis smiling nicely at me "Danny wanted me to check on you while he went and grabbed the rental car we have." I smile "I'm fine, I'm just brushing my hair really fast and then we can go" I continue to brush my hair really fast and spray a little of the body spray my mom threw in the bag for me knowing how self conscious I am about me smelling good around people. I packed everything into the bag and look up at Travis "do you mind taking this? I would take it but-"

"it's fine Ariel, I can take it, it's no big deal" he smiles and grabs the bag and puts it around his shoulder "do you need help getting up?" I shake my head and grab my crutches "just walk slowly with me just incase I fall or need someone to lean on because being on these crutches with messed up ribs takes a lot out of me." He nods and I slowly get up and lean on the crutches "onwards we go!" I yell and point the best I can making him laugh, I grab my phone off the bed and we slowly make our way out of the room I've been stuck in for 4 or 5 days and out into the clean warm Texas air.

           Danny pulls up in a white car and pops out to help me into the back seat, we take off and on the drive back to the house I start getting kind of nervous to walk back into the same house I almost died in. We finally get to the house and when we pull into the driveway I can feel myself start hyperventilating meaning I'm having one of my panic attacks. "Oh my god, Ariel are you ok?" I hear the door open and then I feel my door open up "I don't want to go in Danny, I-I'm scared to go back in there" I feel the tears start falling, and then there's a hand rubbing my shoulder and another one rubbing my knee "dude she's having a panic attack, look Ariel just breathe ok. You're safe now, your dad isnt here anymore, your mom and Marc are in there." I nod not being able to speak. I try my best to calm down and remember that my dad isnt here anymore but my chest starts hurting really bad from me breathing so hard with broken ribs, and I can't stop the flashbacks of my dad beating me so I start crying even harder. I faintly hear Danny call for Marc over my heavy breathing and crying, and the next second I feel myself getting pulled out and carried out of the car and placed somewhere. I cover my hands with my face not wanting anyone to see me like this, I suddenly feel two arms wrap around me and I hear someone singing sweetly to me but before I can register who it is I've fallen into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2016 ⏰

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