Chapter two: There is a light

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Fuck my head hurts, what the hell happened? I try to open my eyes but only one of them manages to open up and it takes me awhile to clear up the vision in my eye. I rub my eye and see that there's a girl nurse near me writing something down on a clipboard, I groan and she looks up and smiles. "You're awake, how do you feel sweetie?"

"My head and my leg are killing me" I clear my throat "where's my mom? Is she ok?" She smiles "she's fine, she has a few bruises and cuts but the worse of her injuries is her broken arm. Her and another young man have been waiting outside in the waiting room for you to wake up, would you like for me to call them in to see you now?" I nod "yes please, and is there anyway I can get anything for the pain I'm in?" She smiles "of course sweetheart, but you have to eat something first before you can get anything so the medicine doesn't upset your stomach." I nod "I'm fine with that" she smiles "ok, let me go grab your mom and that young man, and I'll come back with some food and some medicine for you."

The nurse leaves and I carefully readjust myself so I can sit up more comfortably trying my best to be careful with the cast on my leg. A few seconds later my mom comes rushing in "oh my god sweetie you're awake!" She comes and hugs me the best she can with the purple cast she has on her arm, I smile "woah mom, I'm ok, I'm in a little bit of pain but other then that I'm totally fine." I look up and see a man standing behind my mom that looks a lot like my horrible father when he was younger, my mom notices me looking at him "Ariel, ok I know this might sound crazy but this is one of your-" My mom is instantly interrupted by the door opening and another man coming in with longer hair up to his shoulders that looks exactly like the other man standing there "I'm so sorry mom, I got here as fast as I could as soon as Marc called me and told me what happened." I look at my mom in confusion "mom? She's my mom, mom what the hell is going on here?" My mom sighs and covers her face with her uncasted hand "Ariel, these are your older twin brothers Marc, and Danny." They both smile some of the sweetest and kindest smiles at me and give me a small wave at the same time making me laugh a little. "I have older twin brothers? Why haven't I heard of them before?"

"Yeah you do, and well your brother Marc here is in the air force, and your brother Danny here is a drummer in a band and you know how your father is about music. When your brother Danny joined the band he's in right now your father kicked him out, and didn't tell you about them both because he thought Danny was ruining his life being in a band, and because Marc decided to leave to Florida with Danny because he didn't want to leave your brother by himself with no money. They know you but you don't remember them because they left when you were small still, they're the ones that would send you gifts in the mail." I look at her "I thought you said those were all gifts you had ordered?" She laughs "no, I had to tell you and your father that because he would have been furious with me for telling you about them."

The door opens and the same nurse comes in with a tray "here you go, I know you wouldn't be that hungry so I brought you a small sandwich, a small fruit cup, and a water. You don't have to finish it but I encourage you to eat as much as you can, you can only get medicine if you have something in your stomach. When you're done eating just hit that button there by your bed and I'll come back to get your tray out of the way and give you your medicines." The nurse tells me as she sets up the hospital table up for me and adjusts it to my height "thank you, and miss do you know when I can leave here?"

"I think tomorrow but I'm not to sure sweetheart, I'll have the doctor come in here once he's done with the surgery he's in the middle of." I smile "thank you miss" she smiles and leaves and I just start picking at the kind of crappy food in front of me when a question hits me. "Mom?" She smiles "yes sweetheart?"

"What happened to dad? Who got him off of me?" She looks at the man with the really short hair whose name I think was Marc and he smiles a little bit "I did, I was on my way back home to Florida and I was stuck in Texas because my plane was delayed, so I thought I'd try to come and see you guys. I was walking up to the door and I was about to knock when I noticed the door was slightly open. I had opened it without dad hearing me, and I saw him choking the life out of you so I grabbed the bat he keeps by the door and knocked him out cold. After I knocked him out and tied him up you were coughing and trying to get air back in your lungs but you eventually passed out so I called the cops and an ambulance for both you and mom." I nod and smile "thanks Marc, I-I thought I was gonna die for sure since there was no one there to help me, and I couldn't run away because the second time I tried hitting him and running away to get help he threw me down the stairs and broke my leg."

"Well you guys won't have to worry about him anymore, your CPS worker came by and told us he'd be in jail for a long time starting tomorrow." I smile and look at my mom "really?" She nods "she came by while you were still unconscious to take pictures of all your injuries to show in court, and she advised that we should probably move too so we're gonna hopefully move to Florida where Danny and Marc live." I smile and close my eyes feeling happy and thankful for once "that sounds awesome."

I finally eat most of my food and my mom hits the button to call my nurse in, but instead of the really nice nurse coming in a very tall man comes in that look like a doctor. "Hello Ariel, here are the medicines you asked for your pain" he hands me a small cup with two pills and I slowly take them with water and hand the cup back to him. "Well my name's Mr. Weekes, I was your doctor that treated you for all your injuries. Do you guys have any question or any concerns?"

"Just two questions, what injuries do I have and when can I leave?" He smiles "well you of course broke your left leg, you broke a few ribs so if you feel any pain or discomfort when you breathe that's why, and you have a black eye. Also depending on how you feel and how your breathing holds up you can leave in two days god willing." I smile "thank you Mr. Weekes" he smiles "It's no problem, also just in case you're wondering you're also connected to that oxygen because of your broken ribs. The oxygen is to help make sure your lungs are working like their suppose to because you were really close to puncturing one of your lungs, a few more inches and there's a chance you could have died if you didn't make here on time." I nod "thanks for saving me Mr. Weekes" I shake his hand and he smiles "well If you guys need anything else just ask your nurse and she should be back later on tonight to give you some ice packs for your eye and ribs to help the swelling go down."

He leaves and then Danny and Marc look at me sadly "hey I'm fine you guys, I really don't feel that much pain right now just slightly when I breathe." They nod "you and mom just look really bad right now and it hurts to see our baby sister laying in this bed right now looking as bad as you do." Danny says and I notice him messing with his hands and bouncing one of his legs up and down. "Do I really look that bad? I don't feel bad right now actually scratch that I probably look like hell right now with my eye swollen shut and these bruises I have, but don't worry I really don't feel that bad right now." Danny and Marc give me a small smile and I give them a small smile "so Danny what band are you in?" He smiles "I'm in a band called We the Kings, have you heard of us? Our most well known song is called Check yes Juliet" I rack my mind of all the bands I listen to "no, I don't think I've heard of you guys" he smiles "we'll when we help you and mom move you'll be meeting and seeing the band around a lot." I smile and close my eyes "that sounds like a lot of fun" I feel a hand touch me and then a phone goes off and I hear Danny whisper "hey I'm gonna step out mom it's Travis." My mom starts rubbing my arm and I think the painkillers they gave me are kicking in because I start feeling really sleepy and yawn. "You sleepy baby girl?" I nod "I think the painkillers are kicking in because I feel really tired" I open my eyes and see her and Marc smiling "well take a nap and get some sleep, you need to rest if you want to feel better." I make a funny face and start jokingly complaining to her "but I just woke up not to long ago I don't want to go back to sleep, I want to stay up and talk to you and my badass older brothers." Her and Marc laugh "ok now you really need to go to sleep now because your acting silly." I bite my lip trying not to laugh as I turn around "fine then, but promise me when I wake up I don't wake up to more siblings running into this room." Her and Marc laugh "I promise you there's only you and the boys, you can go to sleep without worrying about anything anymore." I smile "I love you mom" she smiles and kisses my cheek "I love you too sweet heart now get some rest." I smile and get comfortable, and before I slowly fall asleep all I can really think is how awesome it feels right now to be somewhat happy.

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