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Katie LeBlanc was pacing back and forth in the hospital room, waiting for the doctors to give any news on her sister. And then, the doctor came out, with a frowning face. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid your sister has passed on" The doctor explained. "Oh," Katie replied. She dragged herself into her car and drove home tired. She walked into her house and went upstairs to sleep.

The next morning, she woke up her two daughters, Jules and Hayley. She didn't know how to tell about their aunt, especially Jules. They were close and somewhat connected.

"Jules, Hayley, come sit here" She motioned for the girls to come.

"Your aunt has-" She started. "Passed on".

Jules's heart dropped when she heard that. Catherine and Jules had connected on so many levels, and now she's gone.

"How," Jules asked, on her phone.

"Loss of blood from a car crash, I think. Oh, I think I should give you her will letter" Katie replied.

"She has will letters?" Hayley asked.

"Made them when Caleb passed".

"Ok, I'll go get it then head to school" Jules went upstairs.

Harry Styles fan club

Jewls💎- Skip today

JayBae😎 -  Sure i'm in

IndianaJones🤠- Bet

OurButler👩- Sure

Jewls💎- Meet up by the park

Jules turned off her phone, smiling. She knew that she could count on her friends for anything. She took her bike into the park since she knew that her mom would find out if Jules took her car. She arrived before her friends, so she opened her will letter

Dear Jules,

 Well, if you are reading this right now, it means that I have passed away. I'm sorry, no one should have to go through what you have been through. I want to leave you my car, I know how much you liked it. I also have a job for you. I want you to deliver the rest of my will letters. I'm not going to tell you why, but you know me, so there's a reason ;). The address will be written on top. I'm sorry I can't be here for you, but I'll always be somewhere with you. In your heart. And remember to celebrate life, after all, all we have is time.

Jules finished the letter, getting a bit teary, eyed. She looked up to see Jayden, Brooke, and Indiana walking towards her. Noticing Jules's tears, Jayden asked "What happened". "She's really gone" Jules replied. "It'll be fine Jules. We're going to the mall for a mega shopping spree, on us, and then we'll go for ice cream" Indiana patted her friend's back.

After a couple of hours, Indi and Brooke had left and went back home. It was just Jayden and Jules. "Anything else you want to do" Jayden asked. "Yeah, actually there is something I want to do" Jules replied, taking a lick of her ice cream.


Johnny Orlando was sitting on his couch, scrolling through Instagram. His Mom and Dad suddenly walked into the room, looking like they were hiding something. "Family meeting" His mother, Meredith called out. That was going to be trouble. His three sisters, Maddie, Darian, and Lauren came downstairs. "Maddie and Darian, you guys are free. This isn't for you" Dale, His father said. Maddie and Darian went upstairs.

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