Chapter Three - Not what it seems

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Jaeden checked his watch. It was 7:59. He walked into the ice cream shop. He was the first one there so he got a table. After a couple of minutes, everyone had come. They all ordered their ice cream and sat down. "So, what do you guys want to talk about" Asher was trying to make a conversation. The girls were all looking at their phone, probably obsessing about harry styles. And then, Jaeden saw the one person he didn't want to see. Lilia. She came up to Jules and they hugged. You see, everyone says to normalize ex's being friends, but Jaeden never understood that. I mean, you broke up for a reason, and if you already fell in love once, what are the chances it will happen again. "Jaeden" Lauren called. She shook him.

"Back to what I was saying" Jules continued. "So they said that she died in an accident, but she never goes anywhere without her chauffeur. But he called me the other day to ask how I was doing, so he's fine. And the doctors said no one else was there. Plus, I have her car" Everyone nodded. "Her mental health was fine. She always said that taking your life is like wasting the one opportunity that you have" Johnny continued. "Her health was fine" Asher stated. "And the doctors didn't detect anything afterward" Jules replied. "So you think" Jaeden started. "That someone killed her" Kenzie finished.

"Guys, look over here" Lauren called. She pointed to the letters, in a specific order. They said:

Dear Jules,

Well, if you are reading this right now, it means that I have passed away. I'm sorry, no one should have to go through what you have been through. I want to leave you my car, I know how much you liked it. I also have a job for you. I want you to deliver the rest of my will letters. I'm not going to tell you why, but you know me, so there's a reason ;). The address will be written on top. I'm sorry I can't be here for you, but I'll always be somewhere with you. In your heart. And remember to celebrate life, after all, all we have is time.

Dear Kenzie,

I love you. For being yourself, no matter the cost. Stay strong. I want to give you my dance studio, to express yourself even more. You are special and never forget that.

Dear Johnny,

To say I wish I could have been here for your graduation would be an understatement. I wish I could have been here when you win a grammy, or when you make it big. You have a bright future ahead of you.

Lauren snorted. "He has a bright future. I love Cathy, but sometimes I don't trust her judgment".

"Shut up, let them read it" Johnny snapped.

And to help fuel your future, I'm giving you my guitar. Yes, the old one. Don't forget me in your grammy speech.

Dear Lauren,

Hello from up above. You and your brother remind me a lot of me and mine. Except mines more annoying. I think. Now for your "gift". I remember that one time where you told me that you wanted a guy who would be there for you, no matter what. Sadly, I can't give you a boyfriend, but I'll try. Just in case, I have something else for you. My camera. It'll be there for you to capture every moment.

Dear Jaeden,

I know you like to defy reality, but if you are reading this, it's very much real. So be you and don't change. I got you Chris Evans. No really, he's gonna be your acting coach. If anyone asks, he's just some random dude from the street.

Dear Asher,

Nobody is with you if you are reading this. I'm sorry that I couldn't be there for you. I'm sorry that your family left you. I'm sorry for everything. Now, I guess I have to tell you the secret. It's honestly pretty simple. Just imagine what you would do if you were in each person's position, and the rest will come to you. But that's a lame gift. I'm really giving you that full scholarship to Harvard. Don't worry, you got in, so It will work, I called them. There are endless possibilities, and you are a very curious child. 

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