Chapter Two - Ice cream

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Cathy's hoes

Johnny - what is this

Kenzie - Hi Johnny

Lauren - Jenzie

Johnny - what's Jenzie

Jules - a bird

Jaeden - um hi

Lauren - oh your here

Jaeden - nice to meet you too

Asher - can you guys shut up I have a friend over

Jules -  You have friends

Asher - Yes jack is over

Jaeden - Grazer

Asher - you know him

Jaeden - Yeah he's my friend too

Jules - we all go to the same school

Johnny - how tf do you know that

Jules - me and kenzie both are from the same school and lauren is her friend and johnny's lauren's borther and asher's my ex and jaeden and asher are both friends with jack

Kenzie - we all go to the same school?

Jules -yeah though i havent seen you guys around

Lauren - let's introduce ourselfs I'll go first

Lauren - I'm lauren orlando. I'm 16. I'm single ;)

Johnny - No

Lauren - but i ship jenzie

Asher - never met them but ship

Jaeden - same

Jules - who doesn't ship jenzie

Johnny - wait why would you ship a bird away

Kenzie - oH

Johnny - what

Kenzie - Johnny + Kenzie = jenzie

Johnny - also what is with the group chat name

Jules - probably better then anything you can come up with

Jules changed the groupchat name to the four + jenzie

Jules - better

Lauren - very

Jules - i have a friend i could set you up with lauren

Lauren  - who

Jules - his name is will

Jules added Willmiller

Will - hi jayden

Jules - why do you think it's jayden

Will - because you would never willingly add me

Jules - i did

Jules - there's a friend I want to set you up with

Will - ok

Jules - I was going to ask you to add louis since he's hot but i'm just lazy

Will - rude

Lauren - jules wants us to date

Will - picture?

Lauren - 

Lauren - 

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