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Chapter 2

Thursday morning, at 8:55, Katsuki Bakugou pulled into the driveway of the house Todoroki and Midoriya shared. He didn't bother turning off the engine, as he knew Midoriya will be coming out soon. Sure enough, Midoriya left the house not even two minutes after Bakugou pulled up. The greenette got in the car with a cheery 'good morning'.

Bakugou put the car in reverse, a 'morning' mumbled under his breath. They drove in silence  for a solid 5 minutes before the blonde decided he should start asking questions.

"So, why do you need me to drive you? Can't Icy Hot or your mom do it?" 

"Shoto had to work and I didn't want to worry my mom. You know how she is, Kacchan. Makes a big deal out of the little things," Midoriya says with a shrug. 

To anyone else, this would be placating and they'd drop the subject. The blond knew Midoriya well enough to see right through him. "They don't know you're going, do they Deku? Want to tell me what the secret is?"

Midoriya side, having known this was coming but hoping to avoid it all the same. "I'm getting a nerve biopsy. My doctor found a bit of nerve damage, and wants to be sure it happened back in high school." 

"That's not a big deal," Bakugou says if they pull up to a red light. 

"I'm also getting a spinal tap."

" What?!" Bakugou turns to face Midoriya, worried for his friend but also angry with him. "You're using me to hide the fact that you're getting a spinal tap from your boyfriend. Damn it, Deku, why?"

"The light is green, Kacchan.

Bakugou turns to face the road with a pissed off huff, clearly waiting for Midoriya to answer him.

"I asked you because I didn't want to worry Shoto. I knew he wouldn't be able to get off work, so there was no point in telling him if it was is it just going to distract him. Besides, it's probably nothing," Midoriya says softly, sounding as if he were trying to convince himself along with Bakugou. "It has to be nothing."

When they got to the hospital, Bakugou pick a spot as close to the doors as possible. "I'll wait out here. Text me when you're done, nerd."

Midoriya just nods and walks inside. Dr. Renzo is waiting for him at the receptionists desk, a disappointed frown on her face when she sees he's alone.

"Todoroki had to work so I got a friend to bring me. They are outside and I'm texting them when I'm out," Midoriya explains. It seems to satisfy Renzo, as she leads him to an MRI room, instructing him to change into the gown provided. When she returns, she starts explaining the procedures.

"The nerve biopsy will be assessing potential damage to the motor neurons, or the connections between the nerves and muscles. I'll be taking a sample from your inner thigh, that's the nerves there are numerous enough and large enough to provide the sample size we need. The MRI will be used to find the appropriate nerve, then I'm not in the area and take the sample. You'll be awake the entire time."

Midoriya nods, getting on the MRI table, and laying back. Dr. Renzo steps up beside his head, her face on worried. "The procedure is simple and non-invasive so it's unlikely any damage to the nerve will occur. However, it is common for the place of sample's taken from to be numb for a few months. Occasionally, this numbness can be permanent, but it shouldn't be a bother, as it's only an inch big."

Midoriya had seen this all on the forms he signed, and was ready to get this over with. The MRI was loud and annoying, but the sample gathering was over faster than he thought it would be. After it was over, Renzo brought him to a new room, and instructed him to curl up on his side on the medical table.

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