Chapter 1.

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"Here we go ladies, The Matchmaker Bar." The taxi driver reveals, "Thanks, how much do we owe you?" Demi rumages through her bag for her purse,

"4 euro 60"

I automatically hand Demi my share of the fare along with a tip and as soon as she has her purse, she hands over her half of the fare and tip too. "Thank you ladies, have a great night and I hope there's a good egg in there for you both!" the taxi driver says gratefully as he places the money into a compartment down the driver's side of the car.

"We will, cheers!" me and Demi say in unison as we grab our bags and get out of the taxi.

As we stand there, I look up and admire how beautiful and colourful the bar is from the outside. My stomach tightens with nerves and my fight or flight senses kick in, I would gladly turn around and make a beeline for another pub but that's what I've always done whenever I get thrown into something that makes me feel uncomfortable and I'm not going to let that happen tonight. It's time to bite the bullet and experience life for once!

Demi links her arm with mine and nods, "Let's go make some leprechauns swoon!" she says confidently with an encouraging smile, I return her smile and we walk together into the bar.

It's bursting with life and live music. Everywhere you look there are people chatting away to each other. "This is mad!" I express, "and it's definitely the place to be!" Demi replies before bringing me over to see an old man sat down with a massive book in front of him. "Hi, um we are looking for the matchmaker?" Demi asks, the man looks up and radiates warmth as he sees us. "Good evening ladies, I'm the matchmaker and I will try to find you the love of your life here tonight" he introduces himself and offers out his hand, I am first to reach out and shake his hand, "I'm Lucy." I introduce myself,

"Wonderful to meet you Lucy" he replies and let's go of my hand so he can shake Demi's hand. "I'm Demi." Demi is next to introduce herself to him,

"and it's wonderful to meet you too Demi." as soon as the matchmaker let's go of Demi's hand he points towards the spaces in the booth where he is sat. "Please take a seat, I won't keep you for no longer than a couple of minutes."

We both sit beside him, Demi next to him and me on the other side of her.

"Every person in here tonight has followed the same steps as you are about to. Allow me to explain." He pauses to place his hand on top of the book in front of us, "This book is quite special you see, it holds many of my successful matches over the last 50 years and I guarantee it will grant either of these requests, love or love and marriage. So, what is it that you both seek this evening?" he questions us, Demi hesitates for a moment before glancing at me. "I'm happily in a relationship" she answers,

"And you, Lucy? What's your situation?"

"I'm kind of new to all of this dating malarkey but I want to find someone and really connect with them." I respond,

"That is perfectly fine, we get individuals from all dating backgrounds in here and rest assured that everyone is in the same boat and will not judge you." He pauses again to take a brief intake of breath, "This is an important question I'm about to ask but without a clear answer, finding you a match will be a lot tougher."

"Right.. Okay?"

"Lucy, are you looking for love or love and marriage? "

The question sinks into my mind and I try to juggle between the two options, "I can understand how difficult it is to answer that when you have never been with anyone but by choosing one or the other, I promise you will find someone this evening" underneath his kind tone I can now hear a hint of guilt, "Does she have to answer with one or the other or can she just walk away and enjoy the night anyway?" Demi joins in the conversation again, clearly concerned about the pressure that I've been put under.

"Of course but, it will be a greater challenge for her to find that connection amongst everyone in here. With the help of the book, the person she's meant to have that instant connection to will automatically be drawn to her."

"I want to find love and marriage." I calmly blurt out, surprised at my own decision. Alarm bells ring out in my head and my inner voice fires multiple questions at me but somewhere in my gut, I know that that is what I want.

"Lucy, don't rush into anything you don't feel ready for. He even said that you can walk away from the table now and still enjoy your night in here" Demi reacts, just as surprised as myself with my bold reply.

"No, this is what I want. I'm scared out of my mind anticipating this whole experience but I do want to find my future husband and embrace what I've been running from this whole time."

"And that you shall get" the matchmaker smiles, "Now, place both of your hands on top of the book" He instructs, I do as he says and place both of my hands on top of the book, he then rests his own hands on top of mine. "Your request has been locked in and the power of the book will bring you love and marriage with one person in this very room. Mighty gods of love and marriage, guide Lucy and her significant other together tonight and bring them nothing but happiness for their lifetime together." the matchmaker gently removes his hands from mine and I take my hands away from the book, feeling as though I now have some sort of powerful radar in my hands that will give out a signal to whoever my significant other is. "Now then, I shall let you both get on with your night and the first drinks are on us" the matchmaker signals for us to head out into the pub where everyone is mingling, "Thank you, I'll make sure to send you a wedding invitation in the post" I say light-heartedly as myself and Demi stand up and shuffle away from the table, the matchmaker chuckles and writes something inside of the book.

Me and Demi are handed a white badge to place our names on, along with a green sticky note with 'Single' written on it for me and a red sticky note with 'Taken' written on it for Demi. Looking out at everyone else, they are wearing the sticky notes on their foreheads and the name badges by their chest. We both write our names on the name badges which we find settled on the bar, along with placing the sticky notes on our foreheads. And just like that, we are out amongst the crowd. "Let's start at the bar" Demi mentions, I nod and follow her to the bar where we are greeted by a cheerful looking woman, "Hello girls, what can I get ya?" she asks, "Malibu and lemonade for me please" I answer, turning to Demi to wait for her response, "I'm going to go for the Cupid's Kiss cocktail please" Demi reveals as she eyes up the cocktail board hanging behind the bar.

"Single or double with your Malibu?"

"Make it a triple"

"Comin' right your way!" the woman gets to work on our drinks and I scan the room looking for anyone I find attractive who has a 'Single' sticky note. "A triple? You feel that bad?" Demi jokes, I shrug, "I feel so out of place here, I don't know how to approach anyone or how to start a conversation" I admit,

"You'll be okay, you've got the best wingwoman at your side, and Mr Matchmaker gave you the power remember? You'll be drawn to the right one"

"We'll see" on queue, the woman comes back with our drinks and I instantly take a mouthful of mine, savouring the strong taste as it runs down my throat.

I scan the room once more and get drawn to watching and listening the band on stage, they sound so mellow but edgy at the same time. The singer has quite a unique voice, which I rather like. Sign me up for a CD!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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