[ATLA] Your bending element based off of your Zodiac

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Aries: Fire

Taurus: Earth

Gemini: Air

Cancer: Water

Leo: Fire

Virgo: Earth

Libra: Air

Scorpio: Water

Sagittarius: Fire

Capricorn: Earth

Aquarius: Air

Pisces: Water

I just recently found out that my bending element is earth since I'm a Capricorn. It was shocking. I actually thought I would been water, but earth is cool. It means I belong to the mighty Earth Kingdom.

Fun Fact: In the opening, the waterbender is Pakku, the earthbender was the original concept for Toph but is later introduced as Sud, Roku's earthbending teacher, the firebender is Azula, and the airbender is (I think) Monk Gyatso. 

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