[Seven Deadly Sins] Your SDS Sibling Based Off Your Zodiac

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Aries: King

Taurus: Your parents already had to put up with you. So they didn't have another child. Remember kids, always use protection when doing the thing. (I'm sorry if this was offensive.)

Gemini: Gowther and Elizabeth

Cancer: Escanor

Leo: Meliodas

Virgo: Gilthunder and Jericho

Libra: You are also an only child.

Scorpio: Wow, a lot of parents decided to use birth control. Either that or they were actually responsible.

Sagittarius: Merlin

Capricorn: Diane

Aquarius: Ban

Pisces: Elaine

Isn't it ironic how Elaine's birthday is March 14th and Ban's is February 14th? 

I'm on like the 7th or 8th episode of the first season, and every where I go I see Ban...staring at me...watching me in my sleep...I really need to continue watching SDS.

Please forgive me if certain characters are not on here, I haven't gotten that far. >w<

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