Your Hogwarts House According To Your Zodiac

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Aries: Gryffindor

Taurus: Gryffindor

Gemini: Hufflepuff

Cancer: Hufflepuff

Leo: Gryffindor

Virgo: Ravenclaw

Libra: Ravenclaw

Scorpio: Slytherin

Sagittarius: Ravenclaw

Capricorn: Slytherin

Aquarius: Slytherin

Pisces: Hufflepuff

I'm actually a Ravenclaw even though I am a capricorn. Just because your zodiac sign says you are in a specific house, doesn't mean that you are. If you want to truly find out what your house is, I would recommend creating a Wizarding World (formerly known as Pottermore) account. Here is the link:

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