Chapter 3: The Rebellion

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"Master Luke, I cannot thank you enough for your help," I said.  Luke smiled and nodded.  "You are welcome.  May the force be with you on your journey."  "May the Force be with you also."  I replied.

I gently got up from the cushion on the floor.  Luke still sat there in his meditative stance, eyes closed.  I headed out the door and towards the hangar bay.  That was the closest exit that I knew of.  I walked past many rooms with triangle shaped doorways cut into the stone.  Each room hosted a training session with young Jedi Padawans.  I got to the hangar bay and found my T-6 shuttle parked closest to the outside.  The hatch opened and a small spindly rectangular ramp came out and hit the floor.  I set the course for D'Qar and set the shuttle to autopilot.

As I came out of hyperspace and arrived at D'Qar, I noticed, it didn't look too different from Yavin 4.  It wasn't until we landed that I realized there were very few trees and it was mostly just plains as far as the eye can see.  Once the shuttle ramp extended and dropped, I walked out.  I was greeted by a man in an orange pilot suit.  "Welcome to the headquarters.  Are you the one looking for the General?"  "Yes," I replied, "I am.  Can you take me to her?"  The man gestured for me to follow him.

I followed him through a hangar door that was dug into the side of a hill.  It was quite a sight to behold.  X-Wings lined the sides of the hangar all the way until the end of the tunnel.  I continued following the man until we reached a smaller oval shaped door.  It opened and he told me to go inside.  Leia was sitting in the stone chair that I saw when Luke connected me to her through the force.

"Please," Leia pointed to the chair next to her, "take a seat Ahsoka."  I walked over to her and sat down.  "So once I round up the pilots needed for this mission," she looked over to a holomap, "where do we go?  I assume you have a place in mind."  "I do have a place in mind.  It is called Krownest.  We need to meet there first before the mission can begin," I answered.  Leia stared at me for a second, and a sarcastic look came over her face.  "Krownest?  That snowy wasteland?  What is there that we would need?"  "Clan Wren.  They can help us take down Thrawn.  It's not just the clan that's needed, I need to locate Bo-Katan so she can retrieve the Darksaber required to rule her people," I looked at the strange art on the wall, "and Sabine Wren knows where she is."

Leia smirked.  "Darksaber.  Hmm.  Nothing really surprises me anymore I guess," she looked back at me, "Who are her people?"  "Mandalorians.  Mandalore to be exact," I responded.

"Mandalorians, I thought they died out long ago," she said while glancing at the guards in front of her door.  "No.  They didn't.  And they need the Darksaber." I said hastily.

"Let's go then," replied Leia.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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