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I'm so sorry. Cw//argument.

"Hey JoJo, you alright?" Lauren asked, wrapping her arms around Joey from behind as he waited for the TCB zoom chat to start. "Yeah, I'm fine Lo, just waiting for Bri to start the meeting." He said, gently unwinding her arms from his shoulders. She looked down with a frown, before returning to the couch and turning on real house wives.

A few hours later, and the meeting was over. Lauren heard him close his laptop and turned to him. "You wanna watch?"

"No, Lo. I have to finish editing this clip." He sighed, before standing to get a drink.

"Oh, okay" lauren said quietly. Joey had been busy for weeks now and Lauren really missed just snuggling up with him as they watched TV.

Joey returned from the kitchen and sat down a the table before opening his laptop. Once again, Lauren stood from the couch.

"You sure you're ok Jay? You've been really stressed lately and I just-" she started before Joey cut in.

"Lauren I am fine now please can you just leave me alone to edit this stupid clip." Joey said in an agitated tone.

Lauren winced. Joey hadn't called her by Lauren in ages.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, "I just wanted a hug"

"Well I'm too busy for hugs dont you think!" Joey exclaimed, raising his voice slightly.

"I'm sorry Joey, I know you're busy-" she started her eyes filling with tears.

"Well then just leave me alone if you know I'm busy Lauren!" Joey replied, peering over to look at Lauren, who now had tears rolling down her cheeks. Regret struck him instantly as he realised that he was the source of the pain.

"I'm sorry Joey, I'll leave you alone for a while, ill go see Ashley." Lauren said quietly. She grabbed her keys and slipped her shoes on before opening the door, tears still falling from her face.

"Wait Lo im-" Joey started, but she just waved and shut the door behind herself.

"Fucks sake!" Joey sighed, shutting his laptop and burying his face in his hands. How could he have just done that? She meant no harm! He thought as tears of his own fell down his face. He let himself cry, before collecting himself and reopening the computer for a distraction.

Around 45 minutes later, Lauren reentered the apartment and slipped her Shoes off. She turned to see Joey, sat at his computer.

"Hey." She said her voice still scratchy and eyes puffy from crying.

Joey looked up. Tears slightly brimming his eyes. He stood gently.

"Hey Baby," he said softly and went to go hug her. Lauren leaned into his touch, holding him tightly. She was hurt, but still wanted to be held.

"I'm sorry Jay, I shouldnt have snapped at you, I know you meant no harm I'm so so sorry. I love you so so much and I'm so sorry I yelled" he choked out through tears of his own.

"Its ok JoJo. I promise." Lauren said softly as tears fell from her eyes once more.

"But I hurt you.. I made you cry!" Joey cried. He felt awful and Lauren could tell.

"Yeah. You did hurt me. But it's ok. I forgive you. I promise. I love you ok?" She said comfortingly, rubbing gentle circles as he collected himself on her shoulder. They stood in silence, holding one another.

"You want to watch tv?" He asked as he pulled away.

"Yes! You're not too busy?" She asked. Excited, but not wanting to cause another fight.

"Never." He smiled, leaning down to kiss her gently.

The pair pulled away after a few seconds and went to sit on the couch. If there was anything they wanted to do, it was to cuddle. And hold eachother. They hated fighting.

"I love you." Joey said again. "And I'm sorry."

"I know Jodie!" Lauren giggled. "And if you say sorry one more time I'll beat yo ass!"  She joked

"Oh I'd like to see you try it, shorty!" He laughed back.

"Oh I know you did NOT just call me that!" Lauren laughed and pounced on him.

The pair laughed as they rolled around.

Lauren finally pinned Joey down and smirked. "I win! Told ya I'd kick your ass!"

"I let you win." Joey mumbled, sitting up "you're still short though!"

"Oh shut it Richter." She retaliated, leaning into his side.

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