A Bit About Me

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Before we start the more journal type side of things, it might help to get a bit of a backstory:

My birthday is September 29th, 2002. I can thankfully say that I live with both of my parents. I am the oldest of four children and all of my siblings are girls. I am, at the time I am writing this, 18 years old. I am currently a senior in high school who graduates in less than three months. Just the thought of that scares me. I like to read, watch movies, play games and spend time with my family and friends. I wouldn't consider myself a nerd, but I wouldn't classify myself as a jock either. I love driving around with nothing but myself and some good music to help generate ideas and calm the nerves (that part depends on traffic). I play men's volleyball. I am a caucasian male with brown hair with a few strands of gray in it. I have blue eyes that if you look close enough, it might remind you of the way the sunlight filters to the bottom of a clean pool. My favorite colors are red, black and blue. I almost always wear tennis or running shoes. I either wear jeans or basketball shorts, depending on the season. I usually wear t-shirts, hoodies, and jackets that I would consider to be causal. 

That pretty much sums me up. If you have any bugging questions you would like answered and that I can answer without overly revealing my personal life, let me know in the comments and thanks for you support.

Jedi Master Ardel, Son of Hepheastus, Gryffindor House.

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