Ch.8 | The Last Monday

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After telling my parents, they were really excited. Not just because they were able to save money, but because the school I'm going to is a dream for all the fashion majors.

I mean, I'm pretty sure Adrian might be In that university, if the agreste brand moved.

But it's not like that's going to happen....

So I don't have to worry about seeing him at school.

(Little did she know that those words would be so so wrong...)

But, surviving for one more week in that class won't be that bad right...?

I mean, I only have two classes with that group.

I only have second and fourth period With them...

So I only see them in two out of six of my classes!


Plus, if they try to approach me I can just put on my AirPods, start listening to music and ignore them!

I'm doing two of my favorite things at once!

What if they successfully try to insult me...

That would be bad...

I mean even though I am kind of confident when I'm in a good mood, I am not really good at standing up for myself...

And just seeing it is sad.

I use to think ' it's just temporary, they will find out the truth someday ,like Adrian said.."

But Chloe helped me realize that that wasn't true at all.

I mean, if it wasn't for her, I will probably be at home crying to myself hoping that everything will be all right.

But because of Chloe here I am walking to school...


Aand some people might say that I look like I own the streets, but that's just how I feel..

and well, I have a feeling this is going to be a great day.


Guess what.

I am never going to try to predict anything again.

Like no.

If I ever tell you that you were going to have a great future filled with happiness, you will die next week.

Don't ever believe me.

Remember how I said that I have a feeling this is going to be a great day...?

Well, that intuition was 56% wrong.

You may be like, hey so 44% of your day was good!


Yes, but that is only because Chloe's mom is letting me stay at their place before I go to college...

And another good thing is that, I was so early to school that I was able to go to the coffee shop and grab another coffee!

I mean, maybe the coffee in America will be better than this.

I mean I've heard of this place called Starbucks.

That might be really good. But you never lnow.

Maybe this coffee is the best I'm going to have until I return back to Paris. So I am going to drink this coffee like the caffeine addicted b**** I am.

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