Ch.16 | Oddly Familiar

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Arriving inside the ballroom, or auditorium as NORMAL people call it, I was surprised.

They were right about the ' Just like prom ' thing.

. . . Other that the fact that it was even better.

There was a bar.

. . .


- Lets just pretend you can drink once ur over 18 ~ -

It's amazing. 

As we went in, I got so immersed into this historic place.

The University itself had centuries of history, As it was first built as a place for the aristocratic nation by Empress Aria and Emperor Asher once they won over the monarchy.

The Empress Named it ' New York Academy' which soon turned into what it is today, and even determined to name of the state itself.

I settled myself into a corner near the entrance, grabbing a glass on champagne from a nearby server, Staring at the audience.

As Music started to play, it was as if I could feel the music flowing through my soul.

The orchestra played the language of the soul in such a way that the stars of heaven became all the brighter, As the people chose their partners and started steadying themselves into the rhythm, it was as if they were part of this beautiful symphony.

- I'm not good at this descriptive stuff so ...

Time skip brought to you by Claude's abs

About 10 minutes had gone by, and the dance was over, Chloe hurried over to me, Hand-in-hand With a Familiar boy.

" Luka! Chloe! " I exclaimed making my way over, to meet them halfway.

Honestly I really hate seeing them together.

they make me feel single.

.. At time like these, I really with Claude could come out of the Manhwa and date me

Don't Get me wrong! I've dated a lot of guys before.

. . .

But they were all Fictional.

(ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻ 

I zoned out for a while, Imagining Getting Hit by Truck-Kun and Falling into Claude's la-  err, World.

" Kyaa"

"oh my gawd They're so hot "

He is Isn't he-... Wait Is Claude here?

I opened my eyes to see a swarm of people in front of me, Surrounding the entrance.

While pushing through the crowd, My ears are picking up several murrmurs...

" Is it just me, or does Felix look hotter than usual?"

" Kyaaaa He's looking this way"

" Felix is by far one of the handsomest guys at our school!"

"One? Felix is definitely the hottest!"

Holy Guacamole! Did Claude's Faithful knight come instead?

I try to Jump over the crowd But there is no sign of any redhead...

But some blondie instead, although I can't see his face...

But he seems oddly Familiar.

Do I know him?

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