CHAPTER 2: Dance Machine

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"Ya! wait! where are we going?", Riki said while I was pushing him going out to the school.

"I told you, we're going to the arcade", I answered.

"But I have private classes to attend", he reasoned out.

"oh common! this would be nice after attending your first day of school"

"But Mom will scold me after this"

"It's okay! She'll understand", I smiled at him to make sure he'll fell with my ugly reason.

We just walked past the streets. It's really refreshing walking out at night in Korea. There's a lot of streetfoods, food trucks, the night market, which is I super like. "Nomu johta", I breathed out.

"You're super relaxed aren't ya?", He whispered.

"ne!", I winked at him "Are you ready to get wasted?", I raised my eyebrows twice at him.

"No. What are you talking about? wasted? excuse me? I'm a minor!", he said disapprovingly.

"LMAO! I'm not talking about drinks and party. What I meant is to get wasted at the arcade because we'll use a lot of energy", I laughed out loud and he just looked at me like he's judging my whole soul. I held his wrist so he can follow me. We entered one of the biggest arcade near our school.

"Are we even allowed here?", Riki asked.

"Why do you have to ask everything?", I let go of his wrist and crossed my arms.

"Arghhh", he gritted his teeth with his bad temper. "Is there something wrong being curious when you totally brought me to a place I have never been before?"

"Chill bwo!", I got almost choke about my laugh. He's too innocent. "If you're going to ask if it's okay to enter an arcade with your school uniform, then it's fine", I touched his shoulder but he moved backwards. "Do I have a virus?". I said in mind and sighed.

He started to walk and left me so I made sure to follow him. He stared at a punching machine so I asked him "Do you want to try it?"

"No. I'm not interested", he declined.

"You better try it"

"I said no right? Are you deaf?", He said in his irritated tone.

"hmm! You're just afraid I may find out that you're weak", I teased.

"Of course I am not!", he disagreed.

"Then show me! If you beat the highscore, I'll treat you ice cream + your favorite food"..

"7000 points? That's too low to beat", he proudly said.

"whoa! you have the guts huh?"

"I just hate people belittling me"

I first tried to punch. I know I am one of the softest creature God ever created in this land so I didn't expected any high scores.

"2000?", He gave me a mocking smile before he tried. He stretched out his arms, folded his uniform, and popped his neck  like he's going to enter a boxing ring. He moved backwards and with a force I didn't expected he can exert,  he just beated the highscore and got 09030 points.

"Daebak!", I clapped thrice. "I didn't know you are hiding a dragon inside that tiny vessel (body) of yours!"

"Tiny? Do I look tiny?", he made a ball of fist in his hands with his veins pulsing in his neck or temple. This man got mad so easily. I better watch my next words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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