Chapter One

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This is a complete work of fiction. So, any similarities to real life events, etc, is purely coincidental.


"Good day, Mr. Lopez. I shall see you next week," I conclude as the twenty five year old rises from his seat, a scowl firmly plastered upon his face.
We've made progress today and that keeps my hopes up. Guy has gone through it and getting him to open up a little has made my day in some way.

I am patient especially when it comes to handling my patients. Each arrives with their own set of moods, some angry, some too calm and incapable to read, some slightly cheerful. But during our training as psychologists to-be, we are compelled to learn the art of patience.

"Ms Bellamy, your next patient is ready," Sia's voice interrupts my train of thought.
"See him in please."
I adjust myself in my seat due to the cramping of my butt muscles.

Been sat here all morning and now it's four thirty seven. Oh well, for the sake of the patients, I guess.
The heavy mahogany doors swing open and I blink a couple of times drawing back to reality before readjusting my glasses at the bridge of my nose.

Well, he is definitely eye-catching. Tall, an athletic and very muscular build, smooth chocolate complexion, pink lips and silver eyes. I clear my throat as he takes the seat in front of my desk, eyes scrutinizing my face.
"Hello, Sir."
He narrows his eyes into slits then leans forward, elbows supporting his upper body on the polished desk.

"What's your name, doctor?" He questions, voice deeper than any sound my ears have ever picked.
I arch a brow then finally respond.
"Name's Doctor Bellamy."
"Full name please."
I fight to keep myself calm. Something about this man screams run-away-from-me. Yet, that same danger is alluring.

"Doctor Bellamy Luna Frezia. And what is yours?"
"Triton," he replies then leans back in his seat, face undecipherable.
Is he trying to intimidate me? To get some kind of reaction from me?
Patience Bellamy. Patience!
"Well Triton, how may I help you today."

His silvery eyes pierce holes into my face and I have to fight to keep my breathing in check.
"You Bellamy, cannot help me. I don't need your services," he voices, his tone overly calm.
I am taken aback by his words, jaws clenching but demeanor remaining calm.

"Then, why are you here Triton?"
"Just need to see first hand what he will be dealing with in the future," he replies, the answer itself more of a parable than an actual reply.
"And what do you mean by that, Sir?"
"You'll see," is his final response as he rises from his seat and walks towards the wooden doors.
He looks back at me, a look of pure unfiltered hatred caking his face.

My heart skips a mighty beat, my fingers intertwined so tightly to the point of my knuckles turning a tint of white.
"Tell your father that his long lost enemy has finally caught up to him. He owes us his life. Oh and, if you wish to phone the police, knock yourself out," he speaks before exiting the room with a slam of the doors.

My heartbeat's accelerated and I can practically hear it drumming in my ears. Who is Triton? Who is Triton! Danger! Triton is a dangerous man. His demeanor, the way he speaks, the way he studies one's expressions. He is lethal. I pick up my phone, dial my father's number, press phone to my ear. I'll be lucky if he actually picks up the call. Oh, my darling father.

I feel a migraine fast approaching. I want to calm down. I need to calm down.
Deep breaths Bellamy. Deep breaths.
"Whatever it is you are calling to tell me had better be important Bella! I'm in the middle of something important, you have no idea," my father's voice rings through the phone.
Your are always in the middle of something important!
I clench my jaws trying my hardest not to sass him.

"A man came over to my office stating that your long lost enemy has finally found you. Do you know what he was talking about?" I question, surprising myself with the amount of calmness in my tone.
He keeps silent on his end, chair dragging against the floors.
"I heard you the first time, Bella!" He yells then hangs up on me.

I stare at the phone clutched in my palms, my mouth slightly gaping.
I know he has a dislike for me but my heavens, he could at least explain to me what in the world is going on! I am here worried sick for him yet he can't see that! I take in a deep breath, trying to calm my now raging nerves.

He's always been this way with me, growing up. Cold, distant, spiteful, contemptuous! Any chance he saw to say something snide, or hurtful towards me, he'd embrace with open arms. He might hate me, for goodness knows what, but I care for him.

I look down at the phone; Five. Finally. I can go home, have a nice deep in the tub, eat an actual meal, and get some shut eye. Sounds good. Just at the moment, my phone beeps; an incoming call from Davina.

"Bitch, its Friday!"
"Yeah, so?" I question, already knowing the answer.
I pinch the bridge of my nose, sighing deeply.
"What do you mean, 'yeah, so'? We are going out, you, me, Carolina, Jammie, and Night, getting drunk and high as fuck, and having a good time."
"Davina," I call out in frustration.

"You promised. And besides, you need this. I'm coming to pick you up at eight. There's a new club that's opened, just a few minutes away from my place. Place is lit! Come on Bella," she begs.
"Fine, fine. Pick me up at eight."
"Thas' what I'm saying! See you then."
"Okay, bye," I conclude, massaging my temple.
Stupid promise has me going to a fucking club, when I don't feel like it!

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