Chapter Three

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Pic above is of Bellamy...

I stare him down, brows furrowed in anger.
"What did my father do to you?" I calmly question.
He only smirks, the expression disappearing as suddenly as it appeared.
"I've told you to get the fuck out of this room, haven't I?"
"Oh, and what are you gonna do if I don't? Hit me? Kill me?"

He does what I don't expect. He pulls out a pistol from the waistband of his trousers, cocks it, and aims in my direction.
"Let's try this one more time, shall we. Get.the.fuck.out!"
With each word, he draws a step closer, causing me to back away, till my back makes contact with the cold walls behind me.

His frame towers my own, as he presses the muzzle against my abdomen. He leans closer to me, breathes fanning my neck, and I turn my head to the side, heart racing a million miles per second.
"The next time you fail to do as I ask, I won't hesitate to shoot. You have my word. Now, leave. And don't forget to convey my message."

He backs away, and I scramble to unlock the doors, shutting them, and running down the fleet of stairs. Fuck! I hadn't brought my car with me! Cab! I need a cab! That man was more than just petrifying! He had the coldest set of silver-blue eyes! He knew exactly what he was doing, had the intent to pull the trigger, and his threat was not a threat, but an actual promise to kill!

And what does he want from my father? What is it that they seek from him? Oh my goodness! I run a hand through my hair, supporting my weight against the walls beside me.
Breath. You need to breath Bellamy.

A cab stops right in front of me, and I hop in immediately, giving the driver the address to my father's house. I try to calm down, I try to take in as much oxygen as I can, to quench my lungs. I can't calm my wrecked nerves! A gun was pointed at me, pressed against my abdomen. I almost tasted death!

I saw death with my own two eyes. That man, Psycho! Who is he? Who is he working for, or with, that makes him feel like he is all-powerful! He is psychotic! By the time the car screeches to a halt, I'm drowning in my own thoughts. I need answers! What has my father gotten himself into! I need fucking answers!

I pay up, exit the vehicle, and walk into the house. Silence, darkness everywhere, quiet. He hasn't arrived yet! It's really late! I have no idea what he's constantly working on in those labs. I try to call him, but my calls keep going straight to voicemail. I'm not really surprised. I walk up the fleet of stairs, and into my room, stripping, as I shut the doors behind me.

I take a light shower, immersing my fatigued body under the warm scented waters. Too many thoughts plunge my mind. Too many scenarios, each worse than the last, flood my mind.
What have you gotten yourself into father? I worry for you, you just don't seem to understand that!
After seconds turn into many minutes later, I rise from the tub, grabbing hold of the towel, and wrapping it around my trembling and wet body.

I dry my hair, pulling out a t-shirt, and sleaping shorts, pulling them on, and exiting my room, as I tie my wet hair in a bun. The lights in the living room are on. Peculiar! Just as my feet make contact with the very last stair, the sound of vase shattering in the living room, pierces into the night. I halt in my tracks, breathes ragged, as I search for a weapon of defense.

I empty the vase right next to me, and clutch it in my palms, as I make my way towards the living room. As my eyes take in the sight before me, the vase jar drops, the glass breaking into millions of tiny pieces at my feet. Psycho has my father strapped to a seat, mouth gagged. His is bruised, badly battered, and profusely bleeding. I make an attempt to run up to him. I need to help him!

"You can't do anything to save him Luna," he speaks, his voice too calm, so deep.
He takes off the gag from my father's mouth, then faces him.
"Mr Kai, why don't you give me the antivirus, and I won't harm you or her?"

"I'm not making any negotiations with you. You deserve death, just as your father did!" My father growls, poison dripping from each word.
The sound of a hefty punch, resonates throughout the entire room. My father's head snaps to the side, blood spitting from his mouth.

"Stop it! Stop it. I'll...I'll give you anything you want. Just don't hurt him," I beg, gradually approaching the two men.
Psycho's eyes narrow into slits, head tilting to the side in observation.
"Mr Kai, your daughter's life, as well as yours, in exchange for the antivirus. I will not ask again!"

"Kill her. I could care less. Do whatever you want with her. As a matter of fact, shoot her right here and now. I could care less!"
I stare at the man I've called father, the man who's raised me, the man who's now willing to sacrifice my life for goodness knows what antivirus!

"Why do you hate me so much father?" I question, voice breaking, as I choke on the tears.
"Kill her," he replies, eyes now fixated on the man who's most likely going to be his murderer.
"I've seen selfish men, worked with selfish men, and you know what, such persons ought not to live," Psycho states, voice cool, as he retrieves his gun, a silencer, rests the muzzle between my father's eyes, and shoots without blinking.

A shriek escapes my lips, before I proceed to palm my mouth. It all happened so fast, too fast, for me to do anything about it. His head is hanging low, no more breathing, no more chest movements. Dead! My eyes snap in the direction of Psycho, tears blinding and pouring down my cheeks. He's got some blood stains on the front of his suit, unfazed by what he just did.

"You fucking killed him! You killed him!"
"And he was willing to withhold what I needed, at the expense of your life. He was willing to let you die before his very own eyes. Open your eyes for fuck's sake! He does not deserve to live."

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My Unforgivable, My Unforgettable... (Mafia Romance, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now