Chapter Six

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Although she was supposed to be with a RainWing for a whole day, Sienna was overjoyed because she was out of the prison cell.

The smells of the morning rainforest filled her with excitement: the smell of dew, the smell of fruit... "So, MudWing," said Leaf. Sienna shot him a glare. He had accidentally trodden on her talons. "What?" Sienna demanded. I hate dragons. I hate every last one of them. All they care about is killing. I don't care if Leaf finds me interesting or likes me. I don't like him back. He grinned, but it wasn't an in-love smile: it was an excited smile. "Where do you want to go?" Sienna stopped walking and dug her claws into the wood of the pavilion. "Hunting," she said. "I'm STARVING!" She did not know why she was talking to this dragon like an equal. She was supposed to not talk to him at all!

"Okay, then," Leaf said. "Good luck finding something to eat! The animals are really good hiders." Sienna rolled her eyes. "I'll find a panther or a jaguar or something," she said with a shrug. "It cannot possibly be that hard." Leaf's scales stayed brown until he leaped into a tree and his scales seemed to melt into the reddish bark and the dark green leaves. It reminded Sienna of the time when he and some other RainWings found Sienna and her brothers and jumped out of the trees to capture them.

Sienna slunk through the rainforest, her eyes flicking around the area, looking for black or yellow and black spotted fur. Then she saw some! It was a nice, sleek body of a panther. Sienna crouched, her gaze fixed on the predator that was being hunted. She leaped, her claws reaching for the panther.

To her great shock, the panther whirled around, quickly snarled, and raked its unusually sharp claws across her forearms. Sienna roared in surprise and fury. The panther leaped onto her. It was horrifyingly large, nearly as big as her. It was as if Sienna was the prey rather than the panther. They grappled and rolled, pain slashing Sienna's body.

Then, just as Sienna felt like she was going to die, she felt someone kick the panther off of her. She shakily stood up, wiping blood off of her shoulder. The panther was lying on the ground, a small distance away from her. "Sienna!" It was Leaf. Leaf ran towards her, his scales brown and red and a weird silvery color. "Are you okay? That was such a big panther! It almost killed you!" Sienna looked into his worried eyes. "You...saved me?" she asked, disbelief clear in her voice. "Yes, I saved you," he said, holding her talons in his. Sienna felt a whirlwind of feelings blast through her mind. 

"Let's share the panther," Sienna offered. She bounded to the large, black shape. She sliced it with her claws and handed half of the meat to Leaf, her savior, the one Sienna felt so many feelings about. "Thank you very much, Sienna," Leaf thanked her. Together they sat, eating the panther, a feeling of blissful happiness upon them.



From this point onward every chapter will have an A/N.

So...that was a short chapter! But still a chapter so...

Yeah, now both Soil and Sienna have crushes on RainWings...but Auburn won't so don't worry. 

Also, don't worry about other chapters being short...many things will happen in the future. 

WOW SO MANY "..."s...


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