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The Prince woke up feeling a little too overwhelmed, his breathing was heavy as he took the sheets off of his body, he looked down and felt a little embarrassed at how sticky it was and immediately his face flushed more, he… he had a dream that he...

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The Prince woke up feeling a little too overwhelmed, his breathing was heavy as he took the sheets off of his body, he looked down and felt a little embarrassed at how sticky it was and immediately his face flushed more, he… he had a dream that he rather not think about right now.

It must be the excitement of the wedding day and marrying the King, he flushed more just thinking about meeting him last night and after the dream he’s had he is not sure how he will be able to face him.

Hee Ji knocked on the door and the Prince changed into new garments since the ones he was wearing had soiled and despite his concerns Hee Ji only had an amusing smile when he tried to explain it to her which only made him more embarrassed.


The Prince sat in his room, looking out of the window after getting a thorough bath that made him more nervous about the night, he should be worried about leaving the kingdom or something else that was significant yet his mind is only thinking about if he’ll be able to impress the King or not.

Pearl came outside from under the bed and snuggled to his leg and the Prince lifted him up into his arms as Pearl rubbed his forehead in Prince’s neck which was his way of comforting the Prince when he was troubled and finally a smile made its way on his face.

After a while of telling Pearl to behave with the new guests the door to his room opened and Hee Ji walked in with a knowing smile on her face.

 “Your highness, there’s someone here to see you”

Hee Ji said, and since it is the wedding day, she too was in a beautiful maroon dress that the Prince got especially made for her.

“Who is it?”

The Prince asked, a little startled yet his voice was soft and a little confused, Hee Ji simply smiled in fondness and pointed towards the door, Pearl looked towards the door with his tongue sticking out and face excited.

“Look for yourself”

The door opened, with a familiar soft brown of hair walking inside the room with a small smile on his face, the Prince whose eyes had widened suddenly jumped making Pearl a little startled as he went towards the other male and hugged him with full force.

“Yoongi hyung!!”

The Prince said, his voice a little more pitched than usual as he hugged the male closer who only returned the favour, his smile widening displaying his gums when he did. And a figure joined the still going hug and when the Prince noticed, he could only smile more when he saw Prince Jung.

“Jimin-ah, you missed hyung so much?”

Prince Yoongi said and he nodded as some tears formed into his eyes, Prince Jung or how Prince Jimin would like to call him his Hoseokie hyung stood there trying to hug the two with a smile on his face as they were meeting after a long period of time.

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