Our land. Our nation.

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This fight... is our fight.
After the war between the Arcane Union and the First Federation, a foreign power that once held our country by the neck started to dwindle.

All we needed was a push in the right direction.

The people are hungry, tired, angry at our rulers for letting us suffer while they live in their paradise.

Tired of their national pride stripped away, forced to become a puppet.

The people want change.

The people WILL fight for that change.

This nation is going to change.

We will make sure of that.


I sit there in the truck looking at the beautiful scenery around us. Our country holds many sights such as this one. Yet others take claim on them instead.

Our people are treated like animals, as shows for the Askan's. Ever since Astria was invaded by the Askan we have been treated like filth. We resist, yet each attempt is crushed by their military might.

To them, we look weak.

But to us, they are fools.

For years we have been learning of their habits, their supply lines, and their weapons as well as how to fight them properly.

We severely lack in good weaponry, but what we have is numbers, determination, and most of all, knowledge of the terrain.

While we hunt them down, convoy to convoy, they run around like rats.

Each day our forces grow stronger, and with backing from the Arcane union, we are only able to grow until we get our nation back.

I promised to fight for the resistance when I was younger. Not once has a day gone by without my wishes to join the fight.

I was a young and patriotic man back then. Only now have I realized my mistake.

The atrocities committed by the country of Askan fuel the rage of our mighty army.

To the people, we are portrayed as heroes who rise against our oppressors.

In reality, what marches for the enemy is an army that thirst for blood to avenge their fallen.

Cities were burned to the ground for having one or two dozen people who support the resistance.

The men were killed.

The women were raped.

We plan on returning these crimes tenfold.

That I can promise you.

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