Gate: thus the spartans fought there

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(A/N): please do be warned that I only know spartans from random history videos on youtube so most of the time this will be inaccurate.
Inside Sparta, all is well.
The birds are chirping.
The boys are training.
The warriors guarding the city.

Xander is a Brigadier walking around the city when he notices a crowd gathering. Curious, he moves through the crowd when halfway he hears a scream.

A blur moving past him knocks down a few helots. He pushes through the crowd and what he see's fills him with rage.

An army of what seems to be roman soldiers marched out of some sort of structure that appeared out of nowhere.

The Romans cut down civilians and taking some as slaves. They try to fight but an unarmed person could only do so much against a group of well-armored opponents.

He pushed through the crowds and stabs a soldier with his spear through a gap in his armor.

He groups up with a few more warriors and tries to fend off the enemy.

He turns to see one of his fellow warriors... being eaten...

A monster with the head of a pig does not hear the warrior's screams and bites down on his head, severing it from his neck.

They were steadily being pushed back, numbers falling.

Then a shout.

He looks behind to see a wall of shield and spears.

They push the enemy back to the gate and Xander is quick to join them.

That day, the spartans were filled with a thirst for vengeance.
POV random sederan soldier.
Before the attack.

This is it.
We're going through the gate.

I stand in formation with all my buddies, weapons ready and morale is high.

Me: Hey arkov, what do you think is on the other side of the gate?

Arkov: Why should we care? It's going to be a part of the empire soon.

Me: Yeah but, what do you think the people are like? Will they-

I am interrupted by a loud horn.

Duke Ferdinand rides forward with his sword up high.

Ferdinand: "Listen up! We are about to enter a whole new world filled with riches and resources for our mighty empire! You are about to partake in one of the sederan empire's most glorious days! We will go down in history with our names written in gold! Hurrah!!"


We raise our weapons high, full of confidence. As the gate opens we march through.

After what feels like an eternity of walking through the dark gate, we see a light.

We exit the gate and see... a rather simple city.

The people are staring in awe at us and from what I can see, there are many beautiful women here. I might enjoy my stay on this side of the gate.

Ferdinand: "Alright you savages, from here on this land belongs to the glorious Sederan empire!"

A wyvern rushes out of the gate and sinks its teeth into a man. We cut down any who resist and enslave those who don't. Some have already taken some women to enjoy themselves with.

There was some resistance from strangely dressed warriors but in the face of our empire, they are just flies.

We looted, captured, and killed through the city. Then a sound.

A loud horn was heard throughout the area. I look in the direction from which it came from to see.

A wall of men standing in formation. I freeze for a moment before I hear an order to charge.

We charge at the enemy but they hide behind their shields. We were cut down, I look to my left to see Arkov with a spear running through his abdomen.

Me: "No!"

Those were the only world I could say before a spear went through my chest.

The world went dark, and I was full of regret.

'Looks like I won't be able to come home after all...'

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