Help me

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Toby POV

"Toby, it's fine. Honestly I can see why you are angry. Being under house arrest must suck," she said smiling. I think she was more relaxed which was good.

"Well, you want to be under house arrest?" I asked, chuckling.

"Nah, I am good," she smiled. I noticed her arms were patched up with big, white bandages. They had giant flaming red blotches of blood. What happened to her?

"Spencer, what happened to your arms? Did you cut yourself?" I asked in a slight whisper. Her eyes looked down and her hands started shaking. I held her hands to comfort her. Her tiny hands were icy cold and very pale. My warm hands took them carefully and lay them on her lap. A small smile emerged.

"I don't remember, all I know is that it was after my sister announced who she was marrying," her small smile was gone. She looked away.

"Why don't you like who she's marrying?" I was curious to know why all the girls hated him and caused unhappiness in their group.

"Well, this guy, Ian, he spied on girls changing and filmed them, We were some of his victims," she explained, She went silent and removed her hands from my grasp and contemplated. "He also had a video of Jenna enforcing herself on you," she said not looking at me.

"WHAT?" I screeched. "Have you seen it?"

"Toby please calm down," she begged. I tried to stay calm as she held her hand out and I took it. It felt right to hold her hand,

"Yes, Ali apparently knew about them, I have the videos but erasing them would be deleting evidence we have against Ian Toby-"

"I understand. Just...let's not talk about this, right now," I said.

"Okay," she agreed. I didn't want to talk about Jenna. She was a curse on my family, a tumour growing and infecting everything's in its path.

"Do you know where my parents are?" I asked.

"Yes, they went with Melissa and Ian..."

"Of course they did," I sighed, not surprised at my parents actions and how they always put Melissa first before me. I mean, I didn't want praise, just a little care, is all I wanted. Saying this makes me seem like a little child, but it's all I wanted.

Toby was comfortable in silence as a small smile appeared on his face. He just smiled and breathed with relief. "Spencer, I can take you home if you want?" he suggested. And to be honest, I wanted to go home. The smell of hospital made me dizzy and all I wanted to do was stay at home and be grumpy there. 

"Yes please," I didn't want to sound eager but I probably came across like that.

Toby POV

I thought of myself being too "forward" with Spencer, I mean we had just started talking like two normal human beings. But, she accepted straight away and I could exactly back down and say no.

"Let me get my coat," she asserted and got up of the hospital bed. She dragged her sickly body to the coat hanger and I noticed her hands were shaking. Her legs started quaking and immeditaly she fell on the floor.

"Spencer!" I mini heart attack reached my heart and I rushed over to her helpless body. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Toby, I am fine, just a little weak because of all the drugs they gave me," she sighed and lenaed her head against the wall, while propping her back up against it. She looked really tired and fed up of stuff. She looked at me and managed a soft smile. "Sorry," she said quietly.

"Spencer do you want to go home?" I asked.

"Um..." she hesistated. "Yes I would but-"

"Come here," I started to wrap my hand around her back and I placed my other arm just below her knees and picked her up; bridal style. She was astonished at my actions and grabbed my neck, holding on for dear life.

"Toby what are you-"

"Well, I am trying to take you home but if you keep strangling me with your hands you are staying here," I commented.

"Toby," she laguhed and playfully punched my chest.

Spencer POV

Toby was carrying me through the hospital corridors and talking to me about the homework I need to catch up on. It was so sweet of him to offer to take me home and even sweeter when he picked me up bridal style :)

"So, like, how is French going?" I asked, worried he might lash out at me for not helping him when I promised I would.

"Well, Sandy Nicolson and I are the only ones without partners and I asked her to help me and she just ran away," he chuckled.

"Why would she run away?" I asked, giggling without a clue and that's when I understood why Sandy Nicolson would run away.

"You okay Spencer?" he asked.

"Yea why?"

"Well, you were smiling a minute ago," he stated sadly. He caught me in my moment of thinking and when I think, a serious look grows on my face.

"Does Sandy Nicolson still think you killed Alison?" I blurted out the question in a death-like tone. He stood still for a minute and just didn't look at me. What had I done? Everything was going so well, but I am so desperate to know more about Ali's death.

His azure eyes didn't look at me and when they didn't look at me I felt a hint of sorrow because his eyes usually made me feel so safe.

"Spencer, I would rather not talk about that," he put me in his truck and got into the drivers' seat and concentrated on the road. His confused, blue eyes refelcted the sun and the road. I was so focused on his eyes as they intrigued me to know his secrets. But, for now, silence was all that he and I could manage.

We reached my house. He got out of the car and was ready to pick me up again but I stopped him, getting to close to him would make me feel more guilty about my question.

"Honestly there in no need," I insisted. He shrugged and leaned on his truck. I limped up to my door and was about to go in.

"Toby, are you mad at me?" I confronted him. He shook his head in response to my question. "Well, can you please something?"

"Why?" he said.

"Why? Because not hearing your voice hurts a bit!" I stated. Did I just say that out loud? Talk about embarassing. He walked over to me. His hands were in his jean pockets and my mind was whirling a parallel universe as to what he was going to do.

His hands opened up into a hug. My whole body was in his warm grasp. I felt so safe and so cared for that I nuzzled into his chest breathing heavily. "Spencer, I will always talk to you," he responded and I smiled to myself.

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