Broken hearts and open scars

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"I guess I hurt him real bad," Spencer sniffed. She was at home telling Caleb what happened earlier on in the day about the incident with Toby and herself, "he said he was deciding and he is letting me go," The words that Spencer repeated from Toby's mouth seemed to echo and not fade. 

"Spencer I don't know what you want him to say?" Caleb sounded confused and was going to reveal the common denominator in all their problems.

"I don't know, that he wants me again?" Spencer looked at the floor with uncertainty. 

"That's your problem," Caleb said. 

"What's my problem?" Spencer didn't understand where she went wrong.

"Spencer, of course Toby wants to be with you, he wants nothing more but to be with you. You know that, he has told you over and over again and never have your mind made up. You are too indecisive," Caleb stated the obvious in his mind.

"I am not indecisive!" She replied in defense with a loud voice. Standing up, she still appeared dainty and thin compared to Caleb even though his stance was seated. 

"Are you sure about that?" Caleb looked at her with raised eyebrows.

Spencer took a moment and ran through her memories with Toby Cavanaugh. All the previous conflicts that occurred were because Spencer would give him hope and thus he would go after Spencer again. Yet she would always guard her feelings behind Toby's mistakes and flaws. However, she refused to admit she was the only problem in their turbulent relationship.

"Okay, I get I have been difficult but I was not the only issue while we were together," Spencer responded, yet still hut by Caleb's true observation.

"Obviously, Toby played his part in screwing things up, but he realizes that, you cloud your vision with his flaws, not your own,"


Short but will be continued

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