Friends and Jokes

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"Thank you, Sykkuno." Corpse whispered, slowly releasing him from his arms. They were still so close to each other that Sykkuno noticed he was also a little blushing, the tips of his ears were red. He had to look away quickly, catched himself staring inappropriately again.

"N-no problem. So, are we going or you... uh, need something else?" Why did he say it that way? It sounded weird, various things came to his mind. He should not think of such things. He realized that he was still right next to his friend who was now staring at him. He quickly took two steps back, hoping he could blame this strange situation on his shyness and clumsiness.

"I think we can go." Corpse crossed his arms nervously as if he wanted to hug himself, but then he quickly went to the others who had been waiting for them for some time. Sykkuno had to catch up with him because he didn't expect him to almost run away. He was probably just nervous and Sykkuno made things awkward once again, so he was not surprised.

They arrived at the blanket together and had just interrupted a argument
between Rae and Toast about something terribly unimportant in Among Us. But both stopped to welcome a new member, Rae did it perhaps too enthusiastically. Fortunately, after a few moments, Jack turned her attention away from Corpse, so they could both settle in peace. Toast hid his enthusiasm and curiosity better, so instead of a bunch of questions, he just offered Corpse some food.

"In a moment, thank you." He politely declined. Sykkuno noticed that his nervousness was rising again, naturally. They sat side by side, and Corpse sat too upright, unnaturally, drumming his fingers on the blanket. So Sykkuno placed his hand next to his, inconspicuously. He didn't expect his friend to take his hand, not at all. Not that he didn't want him to... He just wanted to let Corpse know he was here and that it would be fine.

"I'm glad you're here, Corpse. We already thought you weren't coming, I arrived late myself and I was surprised you weren't here. I'm glad to meet you in person finally." He offered him a shy smile. Corpse looked down briefly at their hands laying at blanket next to each other and exhaled slowly. Sykkuno had to control himself not to pull his hand back, he could misinterpret it.

"Me too. Did you fall asleep like me?" Sykkuno realized that Corpse needed to hear him speaking about something again. He wasn't a very good narrator, and he had no idea why Corpse had chosen him over Jack, but it warmed his heart a little. The problem was that he couldn't tell him how in the morning he couldn't decide what to wear to make a good impression on Corpse. Just at the thought of admitting it, his stomach dropped.

"Well, uh... I was just nervous and I forgot what time it was. And I can't drive well enough, so I drove slowly." As always, when he didn't want to tell the whole truth, but he couldn't lie, because everyone would know, he said only half of the reasons. Corpse chuckled, quietly, but it was here.

"So I was right when I said I couldn't imagine you driving a car." He kept watching their almost touching hands, avoiding Sykkuno's face.

"Well it's not a car, more like a little bigger children's toy." Rae joined their conversation with a slight smile on her face. Of course she meant it as a joke, but Sykkuno jumped on it on purpose. In the end, it didn't take too long, and Corpse joined the conversation again on his own, making fun of Rae back, because she must be picked up by Toast so she didn't drive at all.

The atmosphere calmed down completely after about half an hour, when everyone was talking and eating or throwing food at each other (mostly at Toast). Just Corpse didn't eat at all, he did not put his mask down, but everyone was fine with it. They started the theme of his appearance just once, when Toast cannot help himself and must have noted that he was not surprised that Sykkuno had been behind the car for so long with Corpse. He heartbreakingly stated that he was losing his first simp and cannot do anything about it. Sykkuno said nothing, just blushed again and Corpse replied that it is not true and everyone was just too nice to him.

They spent several hours together, before Jack got a call that they needed him for something, Sykkuno didn't listen to him when he explained why exactly. He was too surprised when Rae got up and said she was going home too, because she was tired. Toast had to drive them, logically. Which meant...

"Do you want to stay here with me for a while?" Suddenly he asked Corpse, who was lying next to him on his back, watching the sky. His friend's eyes turned on him and smiled.

"I'd love to, Sykkuno." He said softly. Sykkuno's heart raced. Where did he even get the courage to ask? What will he do now? All sorts of ideas filled his head, one more unlikely than the other. He shouldn't think like that, really. Did he drink something? Jack brought some wine but if he remembered correctly, he did not have any. He knew he would be thrilled to finally see his friend, but that feeling was different. What if-

"You imagined me differently, right?" Corpse interrupted his thought. At first, Sykkuno was surprised that he was asking him such a thing, but then he found out that the others were no longer there. When did they leave?

"Well yes, it's impossible to guess exactly what you look like." Corpse said nothing, he just closed his eyes. "B-but I think you are very handsome and, uhm..." he quickly placed his palms in front of his face and he prayed that he would not say anything more embarrassing.

"You don't have to lie to me, Sykkuno." he said quietly, almost sadly. "I know you're polite and you didn't say anything in front of the others, but I noticed how you are looking at me." Sykkuno was confused, how did he look at him? He tried to be inconspicuous, but it was true that he occasionally caught himself watching Corpse. But he did it for a different reason than Corpse probably thought.

"I am not lying, You know I cannot do that. I. I just." Breathe, Sykkuno, breathe. "I looked at you because I was just curious. I-I like how you look." Great, now he could fry pancakes on his own cheeks. There was no answer from the lying man. After a while Sykkuno turned to the other side away from him. He didn't notice that exactly at the moment he made the move Corpse reached for him with his hand and missed his arm because of the movement.

"Ehm, maybe we should go home, it's getting late." Sykkuno suggested, looking away.

"...Yeah, probably."

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