20。origami pets

545 27 49

i forgot to edit out that whole part abt she-ra even though i previewed like 3 times. not that i have shame

the dove faces the window, looking pretty as usual. akaashi paces around the room, trying not to stare at it. also trying not to remember all the other things he'd received; each flower given means something special, both by what it represents and what it means to bokuto himself. after all, he is a florist, so selling flowers is his job, not handing them out freely.

the more akaashi thinks about it, the more pressured he feels. communication is hard enough, and contributing is just harder. bokuto's been doing all the work, hasn't he?

finally, he gives in, sighing and crouching down on the floor. he looks up at the dove, which haven't moved its wings at all.

"how can i possibly pay him back considering all he's done for me?"

an alarm suddenly interrupts akaashi's thoughts. "right, the bakery. i have to get to work." and then something clicks in his mind. "oh, the bakery!"

he snatches a small slip of paper he'd written on while half asleep last night. reading it, he brightens up, confident that the dove will raise its wings by the end of the night.


akaashi skips to the back of the shop, feeling much more carefree than usual. "good morning, jacquin."

"morning, akaashi!" jacquin replies, matching her co-worker's energy. "you seem happy, something happen?"

as soon as that's heard, his expression turns back to a normal, bored one. "no."

jacquin rolls her eyes. "like i'll believe that. just because you're 5 years older than me doesn't mean you can keep secrets from me, your lovable cashier."



"6 years. i turned 25 recently."

"a couple w-" jacquin cuts herself off, stares at the floor, and then flicks akaashi's arm. "your birthday was recently and you didn't tell me?! what happened to co-workers supporting co-workers?"

akaashi flicks her arm back. "that is, 1, not even what the original phrase is, and 2, not even what it means. you should go back to college."

jacquin doesn't even miss a second replying in her sassy tone. "so should you, but we never talk about that, huh?"



"shut up, please."


jacquin goes over to the counter, staring intently at the sweets on display. she hops over the surface to check outside for anyone, then coming back to sneak her hand to the display box, grabbing a cupcake.

"jacquin!" akaashi hisses, slapping her wrist. "you can't do that."

the cashier looks at the desserts in her hand, shrugs, and takes a bite. "i just did," she says, slipping payment into the cash register. "want one? i can pay."

"...no, i'm good, thanks."

"suit yourself." jacquin takes another, shamelessly. "i mean, i signed up for cashier, but i can just make another batch. kiyoko won't notice."

akaashi sighs. "then, can you consider just making an extra...before possibly getting both of us fired?"

"if you're that mad about it, just make the batch yourself."

"i don't...i can't."

jacquin shoots a glare in his direction. "what do you mean, you can't? it's so easy, there are many different recipies in this room."

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