Going To Yancy-I better pack

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I woke up and sprang out of bed. When I went to grab my brush, which I had left in the other room, mom ambushed me. She told me to pack, and that we were going to the new boarding school- Nancy Academy. I'm a good little girl. I packed. Then, I had to wake up my sleepy-head brother. Ugh.

 "Time to pack, dear brother." I said. 

He groaned at me, then shot straight up. "WE'RE GOING TODAY!?!" 

I sighed. "Yeah, Perce, it was moved up a week. We have 2 hours. Now pack. C'mon, I'll help." 

We packed 1 week of clothes, pjs, toiletries, socks, his notebooks, pencils, erasers, art supplies, his pocket money, his watch, a few books, and a change of shoes. I had already packed my things. Percy and I ate breakfast, got dressed (him in our room, me in the bathroom), threw on our shoes, and got in the car, me calling shotgun and Smelly Gabe yelling for mom to be back by noon, no later. Ugh! Why does mom but up with him?! 

I pulled out my sunglasses and looked out the window. I glanced at mom and asked for my phone. Yeah, I have a phone. Mom was really hard to convince. But, I got it. Anyway, Mom nodded yes, and I popped in my earphones and turned on the playlist labeled Diana's Music. At one point, I began to sing aloud, and mom and Percy looked at me like I was crazy.

 I thought it was hilarious.

 I kept singing. My absolute favorite song, "Sit Still, Look Pretty" by Daya came on. "Could dress up, to get love, but guess what? I'm never gonna be that girl, who's living in a barbie world. Could wake up, and make up, and play dumb, pretending that I need a boy who's gonna treat me like a toy. I know the other girls wanna wear expensive things, like diamond rings, but I don't wanna be the puppet that you're playing on a string. This queen don't need a king!" 

"Dia." Percy said, breaking in.

 I gave him an annoyed look. "What?" 

"Could you not sing a teenage girl pop song?" He asked innocently.

 I huffed. "It's not my fault you have a horrible taste in music." 

He raised his eyebrow, but didn't say anything else. 

Finally, we pulled up in front of the building. Mom had packed most of our clothes and shoes, and that was a feat, because I practically own a collection of shoes. 

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