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When we got home, I sneered at Smelly Gabe and he sneered back. He practically mugged Percy, then let us both go. 

Mom came in and Percy told her everything about what happened at Yancy, except for the whole Mrs. Dodds stuff. 

When she finally got to the part about how we're going to Montauk, I nearly yelled at the top of my lungs. I grabbed my swimsuit and asked mom about my surfboard. She said it was already in the car. I whooped and ran downstairs, to the car, while Percy and Gabe yelled. Percy made that thing Grover had made on the bus. It walloped Gabe in the butt and sent him flying.

 I grinned at him, and whispered, "Well, well, well, dear brother, it seems you have found a symbol that derives us of evil step-fathers." 

He gave me the 'look'. It's a look I get a lot, actually, I can tell what it means. It means, 'Diana, shut up, we're going to get into trouble, geez." I find it really funny. Along the drive, Mom seemed to get younger. Her long brown hair settled on her back in a really pretty way and the streaks of gray were almost unoticable.

 Her hands slackened their grip on the wheel (she didn't let go) and her brown eyes seemed more lively. I was eating my share of blue candy. Maybe I should explain the blue candy. Okay, so once Smelly G says, 'There's no such thing as blue food.' It seemed really small at the moment, but mom seemed to take it as a personal challenge, which we love.

 She started making a point of eating blue foods, getting me and Percy blue candies and foods, and basically show that food can be blue. 

This, and the fact she kept her name Jackson, shows she isn't totally suckered by Smelly G. We finally got down to the beach, and I ran off to my private corner that Mom, Percy, and I had constructed last year. 

I wanted more privacy, Percy wanted to stop seeing me change or turn away while I was changing, and Mom wanted us to stop whining and begging about it. 

It's really just a corner curtained off by a blanket, but I like it.

 I changed into my blue-gray swimsuit and ran out, grabbing my surfboard, which leaned on the cabin's wall. 

I paddled into the ocean, and almost immediately there was an amazing wave, a curl and everything! I gasped and paddled to it, doing a duck dive and coming out so I could do a perfect surf, ending up riding the waves right out of the end of the curl. Mom and Percy, who were out there on the beach, whooped and clapped. 

I leaned off into the water and paddled close enough to yell to Percy, "You sure you don't want to learn? It's super fun!" He nodded no.

Poseiden's POV

I felt Diana in my ocean, my first ever demigod daughter in the ocean, and I zoomed in on her. She has tan skin, long, unruly black hair, and bright green eyes. She seems to be smiling, and I can tell that she is very easygoing, funny, and kind. 

I sent her a perfect wave, and watched as her face lit up, then did everything perfectly, executing a perfect 10 out of 10. She leaned back easily, and fell into the water. I wish I could show her how to create these kinds of waves. I sighed sadly, watching her do it again and again, always keeping the waves coming. 

I let my eyes wander.

 I looked at Sally. She looked just as beautiful as she had when I first met her, and her face was glowing with pride at her daughter. Every time a particularly good wave came along, she sighed, knowing perfectly well it was me. 

I let my eyes go to Percy. He lookes like his sister, with tan skin and the same unruly black hair and bright, sea green eyes. He has the smile on his face that gets a kid targeted as trouble maker immediately, and gets put in the front row of class. 

As far as I can see, he is fiercely protective over his sister, which isn't something good for a demigod. They could use her as leverage. He also seems kind, compassionate, and loyal, but thank me, that boy knows his bounderies.

 I know he will not be kind to an enemy, will stand for what he believes is right, and will not sympathize with an enemy, all things he got from me; unfortuntely this means I have an idea what his fatal flaw is, and it is something more deadly than hubris. 

A boy like him would not be overly excessive in pride- he grew up in New York City in a poor family with a horrible step-dad and a sad record when it came to schools. He had ADHD and dyslexia.   

Back to Diana!

Later, we were all sleeping in the cabin when a huge storm hit. I can't stand storms, rain is fine but a thunderstorm is pure terror, for me. 

Percy seemed to be having a bad dream, muttering, "No! No, stop! STOP!" I touched his shoulder and he woke up and looked at me, horror still clear in his eyes.

 "I had a bad dream." he said, stating the obvious. 

I nodded yes silently, and as if to tell him everything lightning lit up the sky, and almost immediately a thunderclap sounded. Percy, bless his soul, understood. He leaned up and hugged me. In times like this, we understood no one had to talk. 

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