Chapter 40

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I can't stop my mouth from dropping as I look over and notice Vanessa dancing widely underneath the streamers in the air. I took my eyes off of her for a few seconds when I turned towards Eden. I turned back around and she was no longer yelling on the sidewalk but instead over the fence, dancing on the pavement next to a man in a rainbow thing.

My girlfriend had somehow invaded the pride parade.

I hold onto the beads that I had gotten from her and Eden and Blair lean back and laugh and yell Vanessa's name, watching as she shimmied and twisted to the music.

"Come here," She yells over the music.

With a quick look and a shrug, I hoe the fence. Eden and Blair following, much to the people next to use on the sidewalks joy. I can't help but laugh in joy as I run up and sling the colorful beads over her head and settle them onto her neck.

Her makeup is slightly smudged, the blue pink, and purple on her face slowly leaking down towards her neck and I laugh. I'm overjoyed as I lean in to kiss her lips, probably smearing it onto myself but I don't care.

I pull away and I dance to the loud music, suddenly a part of the parade. Nobody catches us or really cares as we continue down the road. I see a few familiar faces, Scottie and Esme on the sidewalk enjoying a few snacks as we pass. They did a double-take when they saw me and I threw a pair of beads their way.

We branch off from the parade soon, heading uptown and we stop when it starts passing The Viper. It's extremely busy and Lucy doesn't decorate for many things. She does Halloween, Christmas and, I was surprised to find out freshman year, Pride month.

When I had first seen it and brought it up Lucy had said, "Doesn't bother me who kisses who. I'm worried about my business," Since there have always been rainbow streamers hanging from the ceiling, multiple Love is Beautiful signs hanging in the windows, and even a few rainbow barstools.

The place was packed, since it was a bar on the parade route, but we managed to squeeze in, elbowing our way through and I was pleasantly surprised to see Glory and Leo had secured our table and were defending it successfully.

Eden, running off the high of the parade, almost skipped over to Leo and planted a fat kiss on him, before collapsing in his seat. Leo, happy about the kiss, practically glowed as he dragged Eden's chair closer. Blair, most likely looking around for Damien's arrival, sat in her chair, happily accepting one of the pre-poured shots by Glory.

Vanessa and I barely made it to our seats before Glory leaned forward and her face was cracked into a wide smile.

"I got an email back from my dream internship with a medical office," Glory begins, trailing off to create suspension. Eden looks ready to throw himself at her when she continues, "I got accepted!" She yells before throwing her shot back.

I'm not the only one who yells out our congratulations for her, the mood of the party increasing high. Shots are poured again all around. I look around at my friends and watch as they each happily celebrate the day and Glory.

It's only then when everyone is gushing over Glory's announcement that I feel Vanessa grab my waist. I looked into her eyes and they're playful and warm. Not an inch of ice was found. "You, me, and the lemon tree tonight?"

The idea is appealing immediately. I let myself ponder it though before leaning in and teasing her, "You intend to drag me away from this wholesome celebration?" I wag my finger in her face.

Vanessa grins almost evilly as she leans in and brushes her lips against mine before pulling back a bit. Her hands lace around my neck. "Oh I intend to do many things with you tonight and none of them are wholesome."

I throw my head back and laugh loudly. Her small body shakes along with mine before she lightly kisses my throat. I know it's right on the leaf that hangs proudly.

It's only then that I tilt my head and gaze at her face. My Nessa smiles, my favorite smile, and wraps herself around me fully, and just like every time she smiles at me, it makes me want to kiss her. So I do.

-- Author's Note: Goodbye

So we've come to the end. This is the end of Jamie and Vanessa's story. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I. It was a small chapter to wrap everything up in a way that felt happy ending like.

I am not above putting deleted clips into another book. I am looking towards the future and it does take me a while to write. I have many ideas on my mind and I'm waiting for some to capture me again as Jamie and Vanessa did.

Of course, we have to check in on Leo and Eden, Blair and Damien, and see how America loves Jamie and Vanessa.

For the last time.

Like, Comment, Share and Follow but I'm not your boss. You're free to do as you please. I love you for reading this. Have a nice life.

Best and well wishes,

-Jasmine (_BeautifulLies)

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