Part 9

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Logans POV

"I hate all of you" virgil grummbled into my chest.

I chuckled as patton sat on romans other side. Virgil gasped quietly as I slipped a hand under his shirt, running it up and down his spine. I looked down t him with ba smirk, moving my hand from his back to his front. His face went red as I leaned into h hi s ear.

"You like this darling?"

He swallowed and nodded. I kissed below his ear before sitting back up, noticing the other two left. I cuped the emos face with one hand, tracing his cheek bone with my thumb. He looked up at me, a nervos glint in his eyes. I chuckled and decided to tease him a bit longer, my hand traveling down to stop just above his waist belt.


"Yes darling"

I met his red face, a small smirk resting on mine.

"You're not playing with me, are you?"

My smirk faded, "no Vee, of course not."


"Would a kiss help convince you?"

He looked away, "..maybe"

I wrapped an arm around his waist, gently tilting his head to look at me again. I closed the distance pressing my lips to his in a soft kiss. Virgil hummed, melting into the kiss and grabbing my tie, pulling me closer. I helped the emo close only pulling away when needing air. Said emo rested his head against my chest trying to hide his face. I could still see the smile on his face though. I lifted his head up, creasing his cheek.

"We should get ready for the park."

"Mhmmm" he leaned into my hand

Neither of us moved, a smile crossing my face as he fiddled with my tie anxiously.

"Are you alright my dear?"

"Hm? Oh, uh yeah sorry."

"It's alright Vee." I ran my hand through his hair, "we really should get ready, Patton wanted to leave soon."

He nodded and climbed off my lap before going up stairs, I watched as the door to his room closed people going to me own. I closed the door only to be met with a pouting Roman.

"What's wrong love?"

"I want my kisses too."

I walked over, pulling him in for a kiss

Virgils POV

A smile fell on my face as my hand touched my lips.

"They like me..." it was a soft whisper, "but why? Why someone like me?"

I shook the thought from my head and walked over to the giant closet. All my clothes were there, along with a few extra outfits. I skimmed the clothes looking for something special, I wanted to feel pretty tonight. I pulled on a black and white socks with a black shirt, the only color being the Lavender skirt. Going into the bathroom I fixed my hair, redoing my eyeshadow. I slipped on my black and white high tops and out my phone in my pocket before heading downstairs. Patton was talking to the other two but stopped when he saw me, a smile on his face.

"Sweetie, look at how pretty you are!"

"Thanks Pat.."

I looked away, playing with my sleeves as a blush spread across my face.

"Is everyone ready then?"

"Yep let's go!"

Roman grabbed Patton's hand, walking out as I fell into step beside Logan.

"You look lovely dear." His hand intertwined with mine.

"Thank you.."

"I believe this is the first time I've seen you in a skirt."

"Yeah, I only wear them when I want to feel pretty."

"And yet you never wear them."

My face darkened as I looked away. He chuckled before Patton pulled me away from Logan.

"Come on Vee!"

I followed him to where Roman had laid out the blanket. Going to sit but being pulled onto Patton's lap. I looked up at the boy in glasses as he looked down at me.

"Is this ok?"

"Y-yeah, it's fine."

His smile grew and he gently wrapped his arms around my waist, keeping me there. I leaned against his chest slowly relaxing against him. Only to glance down as he started tracing shapes on my leg.

"Storm cloud are you hungry?"


"You sure? You didn't eat today."

"I ate this morning."


"I'm not hungry princey."

"You're eating when we get back then."


He smiled and I rolled my eyes playfully at him.

Love at First Bite. ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now