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It turned out that I had timed my nap fairly wrong, and I woke up around 3 AM the next morning. Nobody else was awake, so I got changed into a pair of clean clothes, grabbed my headphones and some money, and went for a walk to the sweet sound of an electronic beat. Ren had said that the café with the amazing mocha was about four blocks away, so I took the short way and flew, taking the chance that a girl in black clothes wouldn’t be noticed in a back alley in the City That Never Sleeps.

No one noticed me, and Ren wasn’t kidding about the mocha at Timekeeper Market. I splurged, since this was New York, and it was a novel experience. Besides, I needed my coffee.

The slow way back to the brownstone wasn’t as long as it seemed, and I sipped slowly at my drink as I walked. I was at the front door before I knew it, and let myself in. The flat was a bit creepy in the dark, and I savored the experience of being awake before anyone else. My sleep schedule was so out of whack at this point that I might as well kiss any hope of having a sane eight hours per night goodbye.

 The image of the dark city illuminated by window lights was floating behind my eyelids when I closed my eyes, so I raided Gran’s cabinets for some decent pencils and paper. I pulled on a jacket, choosing to forgo gloves in favor of some control over my pencil. The street was just about empty, so I could sit on the front stoop and draw uninterrupted. I sat down, pulled out a pad of paper, and started drawing.

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